

Extra Form
Country China
Year 2022
Affiliation Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Designer Xiaoyi Ou, Siyi Yuan, Zihao Wang, Lihao Cheng, Tieyi Hu
Description(English) The product is divided into three parts, the use of magnetic connection, easy to use installation. The pnzz induction mosquito repeller is installed at the bottom of the table, after customers are seated, the radar sensor senses the presence of personnel, the PTC works to heat the repellent liquid, the volatile gas is dispersed through the fan from the air outlet to achieve the effect of mosquito repellent; when customers leave, the radar sensor senses personnel away, the parts stop working, saving electricity. In the evening, the staff will then remove the magnetic suction battery for stacking and charging.
Description(Native) 在调查中我们发现目前市场上针对室外餐厅的驱蚊产品存在市场空缺,具有较大发展潜力。当下产品以审美与科技成为形成产品差异化、构筑品牌核心价值的两大重要因素,pnzz以用户体验为根本、雷达和PTC加热驱蚊的技术为支持、极致科技感的外观设计为机会点,创造属于pnzz的极致产品设计差异化。 产品分为三部分,使用磁吸结构方便店员收集分发产品、固定驱蚊器电池,雷达感应食客就座后智能开启产品,利用PTC加热挥发无色无味无毒驱蚊液,由风扇带动从出风口散出,使用结束后电池可以无固定方向进行360°充电。 将pnzz感应式驱蚊器安装在餐桌底部,当顾客来到餐厅就坐后,雷达传感器感应到人员的存在,PTC工作并使驱蚊液瓶中的驱蚊液挥发,挥发的驱蚊液经过风扇从出风口散出,达到驱蚊的效果;当顾客离开后,雷达传感器感应到人员远离,部件停止工作,大大节省了电能。晚上,餐厅工作人员再将磁吸电池取下放在充电座上进行堆叠充电。 Pnzz始终秉持“无意识”的驱蚊功效,提升顾客的就餐体验。
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