

Extra Form
Country China
Year 2022
Affiliation OYTT Design
Designer Ouyang Tiao
Description(English) Tracing back to the origin of the project, the designer annotates the artistic context of architecture with a sequential viewing rhythm. The intervention of large-scale glass on the facade makes the indoor and outdoor space get a good division. At the same time, it is interspersed with masonry and metal elements, which not only has the traditional aesthetic feeling, but also has the flavor of fashion. The concept of "garden" is used in the interior, which integrates traditional elements, with pure brush strokes, it outlines the intangible abundance, endows it with comfortable and leisurely emotional expression and more profound connotation.
Description(Native) 追溯项目本源,设计师以起承转合的序列式观景节奏注解建筑的艺术语境。外立面大面积玻璃的介入,使室内外空间得到一个很好的划分。同时,穿插砌入砖石与金属元素,既不乏传统的美感,亦满载时尚的气息。 室内以“园林”为概念,融合了竹、石、木等传统元素以及微水泥、文化砖、不锈钢等的现代材料,以纯粹的笔触勾勒无形的丰盈,赋予其惬意悠然的情感表达以及更深远的内涵,倾力演绎贯通古今的和谐之美。 结构艺术化,亦是本案设计规划的重点。室内设计遵从并延续其建筑形制,化繁为简,采用精炼的手法构筑大块面轮廓。通过制造一些戏剧感的细节,让各功能分区合理有序的以递进式铺展开来,充分发挥了建筑与空间的对话作用。同时,将开放互动性贯穿其中以突出店面功能层次感,进一步强化整体感以及开阔度,从而实现空间布局的和谐统一。 作为茶饮空间的实际使用意图而言,其舒适性、体验感在项目中的深远意义不言而喻。除却充满序列感和体块感的隔断作为座位的分割,设计同样采用了装饰的转换、桌椅的造型变化等方式,在每一个区域设计中注入了然的差异,巧妙地实现对空间的体验性与实用性的塑造。
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