

Extra Form
Country China Hong Kong
Year 2022
Affiliation Doublee Innovation Limited Co., Ltd.
Designer Keith WU, Tommy CHENG
Description(English) Casee - UV Disinfecting case is exceptional in all aspects, by executing the primary disinfecting works perfectly, and equipping new, and add-on features including a fully adjustable wireless charging panel, a distinctive, ritzy one-hand control feature, and a flawless integration of amenity into the interior. Casee could be the first to place the wireless charging coil outside the chamber, allowing a multiple, simultaneous functions. Its unique 5 plus 5 UV LEDs configuration and inner curvature allow a real blindspotless disinfection.
Description(Native) Casee無線充電紫外線消毒匣擁有真正零死角UV消毒空間、可調節的無線電子產品充電座、全單手操控功能,以及可融入不同室內設計風格的時尚外觀,將魅力、簡約、優越性、優雅等意念發揮到極致。它突破以往消毒盒的技術限制,讓消毒、無線充電,以至觀看影片、回覆訊息真正同時進行。我們是香港首創,將無線充電線圈重新設計成一塊角度可調式充電板,其斜度及力學參照高階電話座,成功將消毒和無線充電的空間分離,消除 "充電中之手機無法使用" 的局限。十粒耐用紫外線LED,分上下排列,加上內部空間的微弧線條,能最有效消毒物件之所有外表面,做到真正零死角,5分鐘消毒除菌。設計過程亦引入動力學模擬計算,Casee的操作由消毒、充電,及調較充電板角度、轉換消毒模式等等,都可以用一隻手完成,易用程度大增。外觀設計方面,它成功擺脫大眾對消毒盒的刻板印象,可迎合不同的室內場景,呈現用家個人風格。水鳥藍及都市黃兩種皆使人眼前一亮。
Website www.ee-inno.com
Positive Comments
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  1. The Project collaborated by Samlip and Knoted

  2. Gloaming Inspiration

  3. Treasure of Spring

  4. zheng tian wan


  6. Preface to Lanting

  7. Leaflet for Dalgubul Center for Independent Living


  9. Worldwide Journey of Banban

  10. Zebra Logic Learning Tablet

  11. QingLv

  12. Yoo Beer

  13. Ethereal Woodland

  14. Bamboo Electronic Cigarette

  15. Yiwu Peach Blossom Land Villa

  16. UV Air Sterilizer Virus care

  17. Air purifier and sterilizer

  18. REFREZ

  19. DOGYAM

  20. MARSA HQ

  21. Tranquility Grey

  22. New Chinese Moon Series Interior Design

  23. Art Toy Cafe

  24. The mystery of flowers

  25. Gujin Rebranding

  26. A Realm of Tranquility

  27. The Vintage

  28. Porcelain Art Gallery

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