



Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2022
Client W H
Affiliation True Thing Design Co., Ltd.
Designer Fisher Jhao, Adrian Tsai, Ivan Tai
Description(English) At the entrance to the hallway, the hidden wall panels are used to integrate the shoe cabinets that need to be used every day to extend the kitchen function. Corresponding to the shoe seat combined with the open laminate, the storage cabinet is shaped with a ceiling. Guide enter the bright and spacious living room and work area. The large continuous water-stained iron knife veneer wall hides the service space and guest rooms, after cutting the complex functions, leaving a place where you can concentrate on rest and work.
Description(Native) 在長廊玄關進口,利用量塊造型及地坪分割創造玄關及客廳,隱藏的牆板整合每天外出的衣帽鞋櫃及延伸廚房機能,對應著開放層板結合的穿鞋座椅,藉由收納櫃量體與天花造型的引導引,逐漸轉換場域,進入明亮寬敞的客廳與工作空間。 大面延續的水染鐵刀木皮牆隱藏服務性空間與客房,圍繞出質樸溫暖的居家氛圍,將複雜的機能切割後,留下可以專心休息與工作的場域,讓兩位業主可以同時在客廳空間使用、交流。 主臥房在滿足機能之餘,運用暖灰色系的量體與輕快跳躍的把手,嘗試呈現女主人柔美俏皮的調性。 空間中運用現代主義的手法,利用大量的量體及線性比例,彼此互相穿插,而漂浮的鋼板及塊狀的格櫃再以各個姿態鑲嵌於塊體之中,從任何角度皆能觀察到幾何其簡約之美。 在設計上利用低限度的配色邏輯,使空間回歸質樸、純粹,僅在灰白基調中帶出溫暖自然的水染鐵刀木紋,讓視覺專注於量體在空間中寂靜感受,而開放式的格局配置使家庭成員能在任何位置進行交流。
Website www.facebook.com/10thingDesign
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