


Every Thai

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2022
Client Every Thai Co., Ltd.
Affiliation CREEP Design Studio Co., Ltd.
Designer CREEP design studio
Description(English) The restaurant interior design, is based on Memphis design elements that surprise people by using the plenty of playful factors, joyful furniture, vivid colors instead of Nanyang style in common Thai restaurant style. Orange and white color tones fused with modern styling, complemented by greenery, and other decorative elements in establishing a spatial emotions, articulating this vivid imagination. Despite the contradictions, it is located in the prosperous administrative cultural and educational community.
Description(Native) 移步踏進天天泰泰式火鍋餐廳,繽紛鮮活、熱情靈動的品牌個性,隨著敞開門迎面透散,跳脫以往對於泰式餐廳的印象,不再是常見的叢林南洋風,以曼菲斯風格為設計因子,強烈鮮豔色彩、玩味十足的裝潢,打造出年輕活潑的品牌視覺。 大膽挑選橘色瓷磚奠定店面主意象,鋪展復古馬賽克磁磚延伸動態視感,搭配大面積的白色,通透的玻璃窗與綠植相映,既矛盾又亮眼的座落在繁盛的行政文教社區。外帶窗口以童趣的公車站為主,既具功能性也作為來訪時熱門的打卡區。 室內空間採用回字的動線規劃,中央人造石單人座位區有效地流暢將動線伸展而開並且讓空間達到最大的利用。而延室內空間ㄇ字型的多人座位分成三面三區各具特色,大膽撞色非常活潑,由橘色、黃色和海軍藍相映襯,極具趣味又不失質感。 除空間色彩配置極具吸睛效果之外,上方利用趣味的品牌字樣的懸空造型燈,既呼應拱形元素,亦實現了視覺的感召力,發揮過目不忘的商業價值,初踏店內馬上為之一亮,循著動線導引,大膽色塊既獨立又自由穿梭,創造出明亮趣味的濾鏡效果,使每一處場景都產生不同的氛圍與層次。
Website www.creepstudio.com/index4.php
Positive Comments
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  1. The Project collaborated by Samlip and Knoted

  2. Gloaming Inspiration

  3. Treasure of Spring

  4. zheng tian wan


  6. Preface to Lanting

  7. Leaflet for Dalgubul Center for Independent Living


  9. Worldwide Journey of Banban

  10. Zebra Logic Learning Tablet

  11. QingLv

  12. Yoo Beer

  13. Ethereal Woodland

  14. Bamboo Electronic Cigarette

  15. Yiwu Peach Blossom Land Villa

  16. UV Air Sterilizer Virus care

  17. Air purifier and sterilizer

  18. REFREZ

  19. DOGYAM

  20. MARSA HQ

  21. Tranquility Grey

  22. New Chinese Moon Series Interior Design

  23. Art Toy Cafe

  24. The mystery of flowers

  25. Gujin Rebranding

  26. A Realm of Tranquility

  27. The Vintage

  28. Porcelain Art Gallery

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