


Golden Year

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Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2022
Affiliation CREEP Design Studio Co., Ltd.
Designer CREEP design studio
Description(English) These are blended with materials, colors, and forms associated with the 1970s, such as solid wood theme, white and cobalt blue and gold furniture. The space combines retro and modern elements to show a different new style. The elegant retro lines swirl in the space, showing a light gesture, reproducing the golden years, just like the touch of the movie plot, always evoking ripples in the audience's heart. Different color meanings are injected into different floors, and the classic meaning refined by time exudes a splendid atmosphere after precipitation.
Description(Native) 1960、70年的時代氛圍,穿越時空來到了現代,擷取經典語彙及色彩元素,重新打造的欣欣秀泰,雅致而流暢的復古線條在空間裡迴旋流動,展現輕盈的姿態,重現舊時的黃金歲月,一如大螢幕的感動,總每每勾起觀眾心中漣漪。 不同樓層注入不同的色彩意義,經時光所淬煉出的經典意含在此沈澱後散發熠熠生輝的氣息,無論經典在何種時空背景皆是不容忽視的存在。梁柱之間妝點低調的弧型元素、勾勒優雅流線,讓每一道圓弧、線條皆不著痕跡地融入與轉折,達到轉換空間過度的效果。融入時尚、俐落的復古金色鐵件和沉穩的色調,新設計與復古年華碰撞出燦爛的火花,成就不凡的設計。取代木地板,大面積使用木紋地毯,不僅凸顯風格,廊道不再生硬單調,反而多了溫暖與細節。 簡約俐落的都會氣息,並挾帶著低調華麗特質,同時藉由本身設計形態的轉變,瀰漫著質感、時髦、慵懶的氛圍,透過挑高的空間、高掛絢爛的裝飾燈、出現在法國咖啡廳的知性長沙發、復古絨布椅凳共同圍塑優雅不羈的氛圍,而在綠色植栽點綴下,更添歐洲漫步的悠閒感受。 其中特別要提到的是本案不止在大廳和廳院強調設計的連結,就連盥洗區也設置舒適休憩區,三種相同風格卻富含不同的調性,各具特色。讓從容腳步趕著即將開場而焦躁,抑或散場之後的人群也願意駐足等待,多了氛圍的環境,讓功能性的空間多了點賞心悅目。
Website www.creepstudio.com/index4.php
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  4. zheng tian wan


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  14. Bamboo Electronic Cigarette

  15. Yiwu Peach Blossom Land Villa

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  17. Air purifier and sterilizer

  18. REFREZ

  19. DOGYAM

  20. MARSA HQ

  21. Tranquility Grey

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  23. Art Toy Cafe

  24. The mystery of flowers

  25. Gujin Rebranding

  26. A Realm of Tranquility

  27. The Vintage

  28. Porcelain Art Gallery

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