

Extra Form
Country China
Year 2022
Affiliation Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics
Designer Xiaoyu Shi, Yaning Song, Zepu Qin, Jinhua Yang, Changfu Huang
Description(English) The Tactile Paving Printer is a 3D printed unmanned vehicle specially designed for tactile pavings maintenance,which uses cement as a material and can be maintained accordingly for tactile pavings with different problems, so as to repair and optimize tactile pavings. It can use the least materials to improve tactile pavings, which is environmentally friendly and also saves a lot of labor costs caused by the maintenance of tactile pavings, so that tactile pavings can better assist the blind in traveling. In addition, the blind printer can also be used for daily sidewalk maintenance, which is simple, efficient and technically feasible.
Description(Native) 盲道打印机是一款专门为盲道维护设计的3D打印无人汽车,在它的车尾处装有两部3D打印装置,可以以此在人行道上打印出需要的盲道纹理,且可以同时打印两排盲道,而在它的前端装备着两个打磨装置,可以将盲道上原有的纹理磨平,便于在其上面利用3D打印技术打印出新的适合的纹理。盲道打印机以水泥为基本的耗材,可以针对具有不同问题的盲道进行相应的维护处理,从而达到修复和优化盲道的作用,如遇到被损坏的盲道时,它可以利用3D打印技术将损坏的部分修补好,使它可以继续正常使用。当遇到盲道被树木、电线杆等不可移动的障碍物截断的情况时,它会根据道路情况进行只能规划并利用车前端的打磨工具和车尾处的3D打印喷头对现有盲道进行重新规划,使盲道绕过障碍物。它可以用最少的材料完善城市盲道系统,环保的同时也节约了维护盲道所带来的大量人工成本,让盲道可以更好地辅助盲人出行。此外,盲道打印机还可以用于日常的人行道维护,简单高效且技术可行。
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