


Tan Cha

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2023
Affiliation Chen Wei Jie
Designer Chen Wei Jie, Wang Tzu Jung, Hsu wen xin
Description(English) Tàn Chá is a brand of Taiwanese tea featuring its unique baking process of using longan charcoal. This characteristic is reflected in color scheme and packaging design. The exterior of packaging are coal black and tea gold colors. The shape of tea cans is designed to imitate the longan charcoal. The curved lines on the carboard packages represent the sceneries of terraced field where the tea grows.
Description(Native) Tàn Chá是一個台灣炭焙茶品牌,其獨特的烘焙工藝是使用原始粗曠龍眼木炭。沿用霧黑的視覺效果,特點體現在配色方案和包裝設計上。包裝的外部是煤黑色和茶金色。茶罐的形狀是模仿龍眼木炭設計,黑色木質罐身上的紋路是以黑色木炭為主設計概念想表達最原始、粗曠的紋理鑲入金色黃銅片是,以表達匠人對炭焙茶的執著與艱辛努力流汗匯集成的精華,產品包裝上的曲線代表了三種不同茶種的梯田的美好景色,繪製白色線條感紋路,為凸顯效果採用直噴增加它的質感,因此也與品牌標示及龍眼木炭做呼應,上面也刻上龍眼木炭特有的紋路作為系列產品茶則,茶則是來自茶席許多用具中的一項用途是將乾燥茶粒從茶罐中取出,優點是避免將水氣或手部細菌帶入茶罐中。
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