



Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2023
Affiliation Shih Chien University
Designer Ho Tien Hsin
Description(English) AIR-ALAT is a personal navigation vehicle for airports. Its app helps travelers efficiently explore diverse airport facilities and find their way to their destinations. It calculates the distance and time to boarding gates, providing timely reminders and reducing anxiety. Once done, AIR-ALAT returns to the closest charging station using a stacking parking mechanism that minimizes space requirements and avoids disrupting traffic patterns. It's designed to deliver a safe and precise travel experience, becoming a key feature in future airports that serve as gateways to cultural exploration.
Description(Native) AIR-ALAT是一款專為機場設計的個人導航載具,旨在幫助旅客更有效率地探索機場、體驗當地文化,並且減少旅途中的壓力和焦慮。隨著航空業的不斷發展和機場的不斷擴建,機場的面積和設施也越來越多元化,讓旅客很容易迷失在其中。因此,AIR-ALAT的推出能夠有效解決這個問題。使用AIR-ALAT的過程非常簡單,只需下載APP,選擇目的地,便可一鍵導航至該處。旅客可以透過APP瀏覽航廈內的店家及設施,包括餐廳、商店、休息室等等,以及機場的各種景點和文化資訊。在旅途中,旅客可以隨時計算目前所在地與登機門的距離和時間,AIR-ALAT會即時提醒旅客準時抵達登機門。這樣,旅客就不用再擔心因害怕迷路或錯過班機而感到焦慮。AIR-ALAT還具有很多方便的功能。旅客可以透過手機遠端操作AIR-ALAT,而不必擔心行李和AIR-ALAT的看管問題。使用完畢後,AIR-ALAT會自動返回充電站,而堆疊式的停泊方式使充電站面積縮至最小,不會影響機場現有動線。
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  2. Izakaya 9am 5pm

  3. Past Present Future

  4. deca joins 2024 Heaven and Dirt Concert

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  6. White Space

  7. Villa A

  8. KEITI Calendar Discussing Sustainability

  9. IKKO

  10. Windsor 24K

  11. Floral Embrace

  12. Living in Solitude

  13. Grand Waterfront Hong Kong

  14. Flash Card Reader

  15. Cascading Shadows

  16. Tree Harmony Residence

  17. CLIBO

  18. ZIHMUJIN Korean BBQ

  19. The sunny spots of cat

  20. Yukkuri Hualien

  21. Sublime Serenity

  22. The World of Mime

  23. Stone Dialogue

  24. resident MY

  25. Enchanting Haven

  26. Mountain Peaks

  27. Emily in Paris

  28. Communication Kit hohoHome

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