



Extra Form
Country China
Year 2023
Affiliation Beijing Yoda Technology Co., Ltd.
Designer Ru Jia, Jin Chen, Qing Wang, Chao Shi, Bo Hong
Description(English) Focusing on optimizing user experience, gotin innovates to transfer the interactivity of offline activities to online ones, providing users with a highly-interactive immersive online activity experience. It enables users to establish 3D exhibition areas and interactive areas through 3D modules, and provides online virtual space and digital human for projects that need immersive experience. Besides, gotin can be customized with a high degree of freedom according to users' various needs, and supports the interconnection between PCs and mobile terminals, making itself an ideal tool for efficient team communication and remote communication.
Description(Native) 随着后疫情时期防控的需求,线下活动向线上活动转变已经成为发展趋势。而传统线上平台提供的活动模式单一且缺乏互动性,降低了用户的参与体验。越来越多用户希望能够在线上活动中实时与其他人互动,而不仅将活动局限于文字、语音交流。 gotin从用户实际需求出发,为与会者提供了线下参会的沉浸式互动体验。用户可通过3D模块建立3D展区和互动区,并为需要沉浸式体验的项目提供了线上虚拟空间和数字人。此外,gotin还可依据用户需求的不同定位,进行高自由度的定制,拓宽了gotin的适用性,使得科技能够惠及大众。 与传统线上平台相比,gotin丰富了平台元素,创新性地将人物、互动和空间三个要素融入虚拟会议中;并以音视频作为载体,通过SaaS平台,用户一分钟即可模拟真实场景、创建高互动性会议。同时,gotin为用户提供了沉浸式的高自由度、高互动性、高效的会议模式。并使得活动不再局限于文本的陈述,而是提升到视频交流和实时互动。
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  2. The Korean War Abductees Name Book

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  4. HayD


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  21. 24 hour heart rate detection equipment

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  24. Multifunctional Electric Screwdriver

  25. Slow Garden

  26. Travel Garment Steamer

  27. Moon Baking Studio

  28. Tiny Desk Korea Visual Branding

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