

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2020
Affiliation GIN.SPACE Interior design
Description(English) There are two elders and an adult of the family. In order to provide a capacious and cozy space for the elders, thus plan an open pattern of barrier-free on the first floor. In addition, set up an adjustable area on the second floor, for the relatives and friends to visit or stay. The most difficult construction part of this project is the bathroom. The curved lines above the bathroom ceiling that took 2 weeks to accomplish. In order to ensure waterproofing, the floor is made of tiles, which can be easily cleaned and maintained.
Description(Native) 本案的家庭成員為一位大人、兩位長輩,為讓長者擁有寬敞舒適的活動範圍,我們在一樓樓面規劃開放式格局,並以無障礙設計為空間主體,而在二樓則劃設彈性區域,提供給親友來訪聚會或留宿使用。 起居室的視覺焦點落在大片木格柵意象櫃體上,其概念取自蒙德里安的格子畫,由鐵框建構而成的幾何形體,創造分割視感,在軌道燈搭配LED燈的投射效果下,人文氣息飄散而至。 屋主的獨處區域,延續木格柵的元素運用,我們於此設置「收納」和「隔屏」作用為一體的彈性拉門,四座書櫃在需要走動空間時,可疊合在一起,而在需要辦公閱讀的時刻,則可拖拉開來,形成半穿透隱密的效果。 本案中施工最困難的地方則在浴室的位置,浴室上方之格柵曲線,耗時2周的施工期,在設計發想後,我們畫出想要的感覺,估算出最高、最低和中間的座落點,請工班師傅利用弧線做出變化。
Website www.facebook.com/gin.space
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