


Midea smart blue

Extra Form
Country China
Year 2023
Affiliation Midea Group Shanghai Co., Ltd.
Designer Yuanqing You, Shiyong Lan
Description(English) Midea smart blue is integrated into its exclusive APP interface-Midea Meiju APP, which can provide users with convenient services, like scene-based information recommendations and smart content portals. Midea smart blue assistant has anthropomorphic emotions, and can communicate with users by voice through home appliances with screen voice function, so that home appliances can be linked, offering users with a comfortable & convenient living environment.
Description(Native) 美的小蓝融入了其专属的APP界面-美的美居APP,能够为用户提供场景化的信息推荐及智能内容入口,为用户提供便捷服务。小蓝语音助手拥有拟人化情绪(覆盖6300万+用户,且目前每个月使用小蓝语音对话大概20万次,小蓝语音家电控制6万多次,趋势稳定增长中),可通过具有带屏语音功能的家电与用户进行语音沟通,使得家电之间可以联动,从而为用户提供一个舒心便利的生活环境。 其人性化的形象不仅让IoT的服务变得简单而人性化,且降低了用户对高科技产品的使用门槛,赋予家居生活更多生命力。 开发了多种小蓝的周边和潮玩手办,如按摩锤、杯垫、T恤、粽子、记忆笔、代金券等,贴心陪伴,极大地丰富了用户生活。 小蓝身兼多职:智能化大会官方形象大使、智能化大会虚拟主持人、大会引导官、顶流合照明星 。还可以进入VR元家居世界,亲自为用户展示美的智能云管家带来的便利智慧生活图景 。
Positive Comments
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  1. Combining tactile learning tool


  3. Still Life Still LIves

  4. Grow with you

  5. Virtual fitting room

  6. Millo

  7. NOSSO Electric Car Charging Service

  8. DogRail

  9. Halcon Extreme sports protective gear

  10. japanese pattern ink pad

  11. DLT Construction Site Safety System

  12. GORI

  13. Stork

  14. Edge device with RGB thermal imaging camera


  16. Victory Chapel

  17. BorderX Rebranding

  18. BODYFRIEND Key Value Font Pack

  19. Midea smart blue

  20. NGH Kikkei

  21. Su Listen Counseling Clinic

  22. Xiling AI Sign Language Platform

  23. Suofeiya home collection Visual Identity

  24. sui arm chair

  25. Ebiu Anti Occupying Vehicle Charger

  26. Columbia 75 degree incline in Package

  27. 443 GARDEN Art Pattern

  28. Distinction

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