



Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2023
Affiliation Shih Chien University
Designer DAI XIAO RU
Description(English) The pattern design of the reflective strip is based on the fire escape posture such as running posture, moving against the wall, kneeling forward, etc., and avoiding wrinkled clothes when standing. The gray interior has an elastic band that allows you to put your hand in it, and when you need to use your hand to explore the way, the Protfire can still cover the entire upper body.
Description(Native) 因應火災時的不同種情境,針對最常出現三種情境去做設計,根據不同火災避難情境變換產品型態,型態分別為提袋、毯子、披風衣著。遇到火災停電或濃煙擋住視線時,避難動作為需貼牆前進或跪地前進,並以手探路,因此反光條紋樣依照跑姿、貼牆前進、跪地前進等火災避難姿勢與避開站立時衣服皺摺去做最明顯地呈現,大幅提增被消防員發現機率,大大提升生還機率。套手鬆緊帶在手扶牆或貼地時,防火衣著依然可以覆蓋全身 , 避免手部外露導致燙傷,可以有效地包覆身體。為使防火毯下拉後可以快速且完整攤開,特殊折法收納Protfire,使向下抽出產品之後,另一半才會因地心引力往下墜,所以不會因為先因地心引力垂至地板,造成落地處因摩擦而難以攤開。
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