

Extra Form
Country Taiwan
Year 2018
Client Even billion International Development Co., Ltd.
Affiliation J.T International Interior Design
Designer Li Hui Wang
Description(English) As if traveling in an amazing technicolor dream, you are further drawn into it by the rich and reflective mirrors in the ceiling, floor, and cabinets. In the universe, multiple colors display in the sky and fade into the ground like splendid fireworks; then they become columns in the space to divide the space and create flow for people to either rest or linger. Lounge Bar, as one of the public spaces in the multifamily residential unit, is a resting area that allows people to get away from daily life. The designer would like to give all the residents a place where they may transmit themselves into a fantasy world instantly, away from earth.
Description(Native) 宛如行於瑰麗的夢境中,先被艷照的群彩與輝芒吸進此地,而後,被天地壁裡,既濃稠又具反射的光澤鏡體拉得更遠且深,越過了時空線區,直趨微醺的國度,空間中,高密度的物質表列磋磨身心,鬆弛疲態。三D式宇宙幻彩覆顛如燦爛煙花綻開天空,而後殞落在地表上,成為了一列一柱,林立於空間用以分割、走位、憩息、或被戀棧。作為集合住宅的公共空間之一的Lounge Bar,一個得以深潛的休憩場域,設計師給了住戶們,一處瞬間移轉便至九霄塵外的幻色空間。
Website openworld.tv/designer/in4/aid/2075.html
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  1. Stories Container

  2. Villa 7

  3. Xmas’ T(RE)e Nursery

  4. It’s you.

  5. Essential Sculpture

  6. Fortress

  7. KEC TPE

  8. Live China

  9. Morrison

  10. No Boundaries

  11. Orchid Thai Spa

  12. original life

  13. Pandora

  14. Royal Lounge

  15. Sales Centre

  16. Single Apartment

  17. The charm of nature

  18. TT Apartment

  19. Yat-Sen

  20. CorrynPlasticCenter

  21. Healing French Style

  22. Sleek Silhouettes

  23. 3 italiani

  24. Bright Color Jungle

  25. Centrat Palace,Vanke

  26. Cold and Warm

  27. compose

  28. Diameter

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