

Extra Form
Country Taiwan
Year 2018
Affiliation Herzu Interior Design Ltd.
Designer Shuching Tan
Description(English) The inverted L shape moulding is the key element in this project.This concept applied to the TV wall and extended to the wall outside of master bedroom. Moulding is applied and integrated with lighting,inverted L shapes,metals,white and silver colors to create a whole new French Style.The inverted L shapes also the concept for the bookcases in the study room. As the light beams down on the shelves,the translucent brown-colored glass serves as a separator,enhancing the varieties in the materials. The slanting edge of the suspended bookshelf and the drawers display a slim and floaty look.
Description(Native) 倒L型線板是此案設計主軸,電視牆右側轉折到主臥更衣室牆面,再延伸至主臥室門的牆面上,是連貫的設計。這個元素也出現在客廳沙發右邊,次臥室入口的牆上,在線版凹凸面打燈,以光線勾勒線條,帶來都會時尚感。引用傳統法式的線板,結合燈光,倒L型設計,金屬,百和銀色創造一個不一樣的、具都會感的時尚法式。書房的書架也以同樣的倒L型設計,加上燈光做為書架層板再以茶玻半透光材質作為垂直分割板,表現出實虛質材的變化。書房懸浮櫃體,櫃子邊緣以及抽屜打斜角,製造輕盈以及纖細的感覺。書桌的玻璃桌腳也是依照重疊線條的概念,將玻璃疊在一起。
Website www.herzudesign.com
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  1. Stories Container

  2. Villa 7

  3. Xmas’ T(RE)e Nursery

  4. It’s you.

  5. Essential Sculpture

  6. Fortress

  7. KEC TPE

  8. Live China

  9. Morrison

  10. No Boundaries

  11. Orchid Thai Spa

  12. original life

  13. Pandora

  14. Royal Lounge

  15. Sales Centre

  16. Single Apartment

  17. The charm of nature

  18. TT Apartment

  19. Yat-Sen

  20. CorrynPlasticCenter

  21. Healing French Style

  22. Sleek Silhouettes

  23. 3 italiani

  24. Bright Color Jungle

  25. Centrat Palace,Vanke

  26. Cold and Warm

  27. compose

  28. Diameter

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