

Extra Form
Country Taiwan
Year 2018
Affiliation Chang-Gii Design Co., Ltd.
Designer Li-Jan Chang
Description(English) The residence, in Taichung City, is located at cultural district noted for still but convenient life conditions. Taking into consideration the issues of urban development plan, environmental protection, energy efficiency and green building, the designer builds up a twin-tower architecture becoming a landmark which manifests the elegant style and spacious ecological garden. The sunlight spilling the indoor space through the ceiling windows excellently manifests the sense of freedom. The simple colors applied in the residence reveal the spirit of humanity as well.
Description(Native) 本案位在台灣台中市的文山特區,文教氣息濃郁,附近環境清幽,生活機能便利,;考量城市街景的面容,期望建築設計上與居住空間裡都能兼具生態環境、環保節能與人性健康的綠建築設計理念;雙塔式的建築外觀,以現代簡約作為規劃設計,寬闊的生態景觀花園,形塑最美的地標性建築。 回家就是渡假,樂享跨界新人生,以生態工法大面積綠化,讓住戶擁有「返家、自然、看景觀」特色。返家指的是得到最完整的舒適與放鬆、自然與城市為共存關係,回歸原始般的生態。看景觀,更是本案的最大價值化,與340棵大樹所構成的森林氛圍,建築品質創造住戶生活歸屬感,大面積綠化並與戶外的景觀水花園相連呼應。 映入眼簾的是水池造景,與天際視線融為一體,周圍充滿舒適自然的輕鬆環境, 低調而沈穩的冷色作為調性,由色調及材質的線面鋪陳,形塑出視覺豐富的層次轉換。設計主軸上,為呈現國外感的敞朗氣度;合理鋪述流暢的動線,彰顯視覺上之開闊感,創造出兼具個性與生活感的居家空間。 營造自由無拘意象,日光也透過落地窗引入全室,自然條件與室內設計相輔相成,完美共築簡約抒壓的自在居所;潔淨純樸的色調下顯示出人文底蘊的質感品味,結合開放式書房兼具休憩思考功能,成為另一個隱性場域,兼顧整體空間的穿透感與實用性,平衡整體空間的視覺感受。
Website www.cg-design.com.tw
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  1. Stories Container

  2. Villa 7

  3. Xmas’ T(RE)e Nursery

  4. It’s you.

  5. Essential Sculpture

  6. Fortress

  7. KEC TPE

  8. Live China

  9. Morrison

  10. No Boundaries

  11. Orchid Thai Spa

  12. original life

  13. Pandora

  14. Royal Lounge

  15. Sales Centre

  16. Single Apartment

  17. The charm of nature

  18. TT Apartment

  19. Yat-Sen

  20. CorrynPlasticCenter

  21. Healing French Style

  22. Sleek Silhouettes

  23. 3 italiani

  24. Bright Color Jungle

  25. Centrat Palace,Vanke

  26. Cold and Warm

  27. compose

  28. Diameter

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