

Extra Form
Country China
Year 2019
Client fennitu
Affiliation Shenzhen Unexpected Design Co.,Ltd.
Designer Guofeng Hu, Zhenghua Hu, Rui Liu, Zhuowen Deng
Description(English) When we hang many pictures on the wall,the whole process is very time-consuming, and eventually the wall painting is hanging unevenly and irregularly. The wall painting helper can solve this problem very well. First, we choose the overall display style in the mobile phone, then set the number, size, spacing of the wall painting and the location of nails, etc. Then, we project it on the wall by laser, and in the mobile phone. It can also adjust the height and angle of projection. The whole process only takes a few minutes, so we can see the position of nails very clearly and save time.("+"denotes the location of the nail)
Description(Native) 我们在墙上挂多幅画时经常会遇到不好定位的问题, 整个过程非常耗时间, 最终墙画还是挂的不均匀、不整齐. 墙画定位器可以很好的解决这个问题. 我们先在手机里选择墙画整体展示样式, 然后设置墙画的数量、尺寸、间距以及钉子的位置等, 然后通过激光投射到墙上, 手机里还可以调节投射的高度和角度,整个过程只需要几分钟时间, 我们就可以非常清晰地看到钉子的位置,非常省时间.("+"表示钉子位置) 手机与墙画定位器通过蓝牙连接,在手机里可以自定义很多不同的展示形式,非常方便。产品内置电池,底部有适配器收纳功能,充电情况下就不需要再到处找充电线和适合器了,随时随地都可以充电。 墙画定位器整体为塑胶材料,体积小巧,方便携带,主要用户群为室内设计师或软装设计师,所以颜色设计为黑色,比较耐脏。
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  1. ultra light cleaner

  2. Snow Defender

  3. popcone

  4. The Piggy Bank

  5. Twin Portable Fan

  6. Matata Lab

  7. DidaCubes

  8. E300

  9. PLAT Natural

  10. 48 animals

  11. MPOW Headset

  12. Garglin(Mouthwash)

  13. Relax Stand

  14. Bird's sake cup

  15. door lock S609

  16. CuisineMincing Knife

  17. DOBOT CR6-5

  18. Magician-Lite

  19. Smart Shelf Strip™

  20. Seoul City bicycle

  21. Birds Nest

  22. Curved Paper

  23. Non-masked, facewear

  24. THE PARK

  25. Smart helmet KEEPUS

  26. Tai Chi

  27. Wall Painting Helper

  28. Corals

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