


Matata Lab

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Country China
Year 2019
Client MatataLab
Affiliation IU+DESIGN
Designer IU+DESIGN
Description(English) 1.Matata Lab is an easy-to-start physical robotics learning system. Bring a joyful robotics learning experience for young children (Pre-K or K1-3). 2.Unlike other robots or programming learning systems, Matata utilizes computer vision technology to recognize command blocks and program the robots, instead of programming in an iPad or PC. 3.Moreover, advanced learners can create higher imaginative robotics solutions with helps from open-source Matata Lab Community that includes the resource of origami, clay, 3D printing and etc.
Description(Native) Matata是一款容易上手的实体机器人学习系统。为低年龄儿童(Pre-K or K1-3)带来愉悦的机器人学习体验。 不同于其它的机器人或编程学习系统,通过图像识别技术,将图形转化成编程命令,matata不需要使用ipad或者pc来进行编程。Matata的积木化的实体编程方式降低了学习曲线,提升了互动性和学习乐趣。在游戏中学习,与机器人一起探险。同时,通过开源的可供3D打印的创意社区,熟练的使用者依然可以使用Matata来创造极富想象力的机器人创意方案。 与纸模、粘土等低龄儿童喜爱的元素有机结合,与生活紧密联系,保证孩子有可持续的兴趣。模块系统的防误操作的设计,简化了操作方式,提升了操作效率,更简单有趣。
Positive Comments
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  1. ultra light cleaner

  2. Snow Defender

  3. popcone

  4. The Piggy Bank

  5. Twin Portable Fan

  6. Matata Lab

  7. DidaCubes

  8. E300

  9. PLAT Natural

  10. 48 animals

  11. MPOW Headset

  12. Garglin(Mouthwash)

  13. Relax Stand

  14. Bird's sake cup

  15. door lock S609

  16. CuisineMincing Knife

  17. DOBOT CR6-5

  18. Magician-Lite

  19. Smart Shelf Strip™

  20. Seoul City bicycle

  21. Birds Nest

  22. Curved Paper

  23. Non-masked, facewear

  24. THE PARK

  25. Smart helmet KEEPUS

  26. Tai Chi

  27. Wall Painting Helper

  28. Corals

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