



Extra Form
Country China
Year 2019
Affiliation Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University
Designer 麦思琪, 罗淇丹
Description(English) When we are watching a movie with a large bucket of popcorn in the cinema, it can't put it in the hole in the handle. People can only put it on their legs. And the other reason is that it is difficult to share popcorn with your partners.Therefore,we design a new popcorn package whose bottom is a cone.This modifier package can be put into the handle hole no matter how large it is.It perfectly solves problems which we discussed above. Moreover, if you don't want to put your popcorn into the handle hole, you can put it between your legs. Conical package also makes it easy for us to grasp with one hand.
Description(Native) 我们在观看电影的时候,如果购买了一份大的桶装爆米花,爆米花桶是无法放进电影院座椅把手的孔里面的,人们只能通过抱着爆米花桶或者把爆米花桶放在大腿上才能食用爆米花。而这两种放置方式可能会影响观影体验,同时也很难和自己的小伙伴一起分享爆米花。于是我们对爆米花桶的包装进行了改良,把它的包装设计成一个锥形体,无论是多大尺寸的电影座椅把手孔,都能把爆米花桶放置进去。由于锥形体是由每个不同大小的圆组成,所以能适合不同尺寸的电影座椅把手孔。如果是自己观影,你还可以把它扎在两腿间放置,自己独自享受,不会容易倾倒,并且稳固。而且爆米花桶的锥形体包装会更加方便我们单手抓握,造型轻便简单,仿佛拿着一个雪糕筒,有趣可爱。
Positive Comments
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  1. ultra light cleaner

  2. Snow Defender

  3. popcone

  4. The Piggy Bank

  5. Twin Portable Fan

  6. Matata Lab

  7. DidaCubes

  8. E300

  9. PLAT Natural

  10. 48 animals

  11. MPOW Headset

  12. Garglin(Mouthwash)

  13. Relax Stand

  14. Bird's sake cup

  15. door lock S609

  16. CuisineMincing Knife

  17. DOBOT CR6-5

  18. Magician-Lite

  19. Smart Shelf Strip™

  20. Seoul City bicycle

  21. Birds Nest

  22. Curved Paper

  23. Non-masked, facewear

  24. THE PARK

  25. Smart helmet KEEPUS

  26. Tai Chi

  27. Wall Painting Helper

  28. Corals

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