

Extra Form
Year 2019
Affiliation National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
Designer Jhe-Wei,Lin, Jui-Feng, Tang
Description(English) In the cold zone, the problem of snowing often affects the cultivation of the greenhouse. Not only does the snow cover the sun on the roof, but also affects the indoor temperature. Therefore, we use the material of azobenzene to design the greenhouse. Azobenzene is a material that can store the heat released by the sun when it is exposed to sunlight, and release the heat at night. It can melt the snow of the epidermis, and pass the filtered water through the filter back to the underground storage tank and automatically irrigate the soil in the room by siphoning, by reaching a water cycle.
Description(Native) 在高海拔與高緯度的地區,下雪的問題經常是影響溫室的種植最大的阻礙。 雪不僅覆蓋屋頂上的太陽,還影響室內溫度。 因此,我在屋頂皮層設計成雙層,一層是偶氮苯的材料,另外一層藉由陽光可調節開口大小的皮層。 外皮層的部分使用偶氮苯,偶氮苯是一種能夠儲存太陽光在陽光下釋放的熱量,並在夜間釋放熱量的材料。 它可以在短時間融化表皮的積雪,並將過濾後的水通過過濾器回到地下蓄水槽,並通過虹吸,通過達到水循環自動灌溉房間內的土壤。 內皮層的特色是可以自由控制開口大小的設計,他可以按照每一種不同植物所需的日照需求來增加或減少開口的面積,同時他也可以在夜晚有效的隔絕室外的溫度,讓室內溫度可以不受到外界溫度所影響,有效提高種植效率。
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  1. ultra light cleaner

  2. Snow Defender

  3. popcone

  4. The Piggy Bank

  5. Twin Portable Fan

  6. Matata Lab

  7. DidaCubes

  8. E300

  9. PLAT Natural

  10. 48 animals

  11. MPOW Headset

  12. Garglin(Mouthwash)

  13. Relax Stand

  14. Bird's sake cup

  15. door lock S609

  16. CuisineMincing Knife

  17. DOBOT CR6-5

  18. Magician-Lite

  19. Smart Shelf Strip™

  20. Seoul City bicycle

  21. Birds Nest

  22. Curved Paper

  23. Non-masked, facewear

  24. THE PARK

  25. Smart helmet KEEPUS

  26. Tai Chi

  27. Wall Painting Helper

  28. Corals

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