


MTR Board Game

Extra Form
Year 2019
Client HK MTR
Affiliation People on board
Designer thomaswong
Description(English) The MTR hopes to educate children through this special board game, encouraging them to develop a good sense of railway safety and courteous passenger behaviour for the young generation. Players have to move their train piece, turn the spinner and travel to different MTR station for mission. They will encounter different challenges, interact with other players and learn the good behaviour for taking MTR safety. The board game also apply the reading pen as the player use it to point out station, card or graphic, the reading pen will voice out the MTR original sound as like to stay in train.
Description(Native) 港鐵公司一直致力為乘客提供安全 清潔及舒適的乘車和候車環境,而要確保乘客能夠有安全舒適的港鐵旅程 , 是有賴乘客的合作。港鐵希望透過 「 沿途有禮 」 這遊戲 , 讓小朋友從小培養安全有禮的乘車習慣 , 建立安全乘搭港鐵的意識 。玩家需駕駛列車棋子,轉動轉盤,到不同港鐵站完成任務。其間,玩家可能轉到特別的命運站卡及客務中心卡,與其他玩家互動,學會安全有禮乘搭港鐵。最快到達目的地完全任何,勝出遊戲! 另一方面,為了增加趣味性和真實感,沿途有禮桌上遊戲運用了點讀筆功能。玩家只需將點讀筆放在卡牌上,公仔上,線上,或圖版上,點讀筆便可以讀出平時在港鐵內聽到的廣播或訊息。增加玩家的投入感和意識到置身於車站,月台或車廂內等等
Website www.pob.hk
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  1. door lock S615

  2. door lock S507

  3. Chow Tai Fook SR 19

  4. 栖也· Habitat民宿

  5. JinQiao WELLEM

  6. Lighting-Flex light

  7. Honey Sweet Hotel

  8. Porcelain Rhyme

  9. Anchovy Packaging

  10. Lotus Restaurant

  11. ∞ infinity

  12. Woodboard Sterilizer

  13. TFC Arch. & Crafts.

  14. Korean Chest

  15. Memory Transmitting

  16. Melody

  17. Circle

  18. Translucent Harmony

  19. HEY BIRD Coffee

  20. Oukikyo

  21. Leshan Sales Center

  22. Hyperiôn

  23. 行舟

  24. Childhood Memories.

  25. Dust Mite Controller


  27. Let's Eat!

  28. 迷宫茶漏壶 teapot

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