Country | Chinese Taipei |
Year | 2020 |
Award | WINNER |
Client | D.More Design Studio |
Affiliation | D.More Design Studio |
Designer | Matt Liao, Red Hung, Yang Chen |
Description(English) | To many patients, waiting in dental clinics has been anxious and always longer than expected. The design team proposed a calm waiting ambiance is the key to good experiences. Although insisting a spacious lobby had made it a big challenge in this narrow site, a high ceiling lobby functioned as the reception and waiting area was then created for patients’ first impression. A groin vault ceiling with chandelier, some simple wood moldings and the marble grids were applied to promote the ambiance of an old-school library, where one can always seek for his calmness, even in this digital era. |
Description(Native) | 對看牙醫的人來說,在診所等待的時間總是焦慮而且比預期要久的。所以,設計團隊提出一個好的牙醫看診經驗,關鍵在於提供一個令人平靜舒適的等待空間。雖然在這個寬度只有5.8公尺,深度只有不到15公尺的狹窄基地裡,堅持要有一個大門廳是個很大的挑戰,然而為了病人進入診所的第一印象,一個挑高天花的接待與等候空間依然因應而生。為了創造一個就算在這個數位世代中,都能得到心靈平靜的舊時代圖書館氛圍,這個等待空間被覆上了深淺格子交錯樣貌的天然大理石地板、簡單卻經典的木飾條牆面、再連上空間正上方古典味道的白色交叉拱頂與經典的現代吊燈。由感應管制門進入診區後,為了空間的流暢性,多數隔間上半段僅以玻璃區隔,診間門也被取消或以橫拉門取代。從一樓診區中間可以順著有一個轉折的樓梯通往夾層,經過門禁管制的手術室與上層的茶水間與盥洗室後,來到一個可以容納十餘人的多功能辦公空間。這裡有著可以平視入口等候區交叉拱頂與經典吊燈的寬闊視野,並將城市街景作為舒適的無聲背景。 |
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