

Extra Form
Country China
Year 2020
Affiliation Guo Guang Yi Ye Decoration Group
Designer JiangJifang
Description(English) The project is a narrow space located on the 15th floor of the office building. The designer utilizes the interaction between structure and space to liberate the free movements of lines in the space. Starting points are revealed by multiple lines resembling paths of a cave. The free curvilinear translations of lines create various planes, which would be overlapped with each other to create a three-dimensional space with perceived fluidity. The designer is extremely bold in applying color. The interlaced matching of the same color in different shades, creating a vivid working space.
Description(Native) 该项目是一个60平方狭小的空间,坐落于写字楼的15层。设计师利用结构与空间进行对话,让线条在空间中运动。借由线条找到空间的起点,如洞穴路径,曲线移动形成面,面面相叠成体,产生为人所感知的流动性,仿佛进入山谷一般,趣味横生。运用半挑空的空间平面布局,让原本不大的空间显得通透。楼梯踏步利用线与面的交错,给空间带来趣味性。连结了飘窗,隐藏了空调机位,同时让地面与二楼柔美的连结在了一起。入口设置窄小的空间,越入深处,仿佛通过洞穴看到了开阔山谷的大型瀑布,豁然开朗。让空间的形象在人的视觉及心理上,具有一种奇特的想象力和生命力。把对空间所期待的抽象化的情感,转化成能够感知的空间。以曲线造型的感性与流动描绘大自然的样子。设计师在色彩上的运用极为大胆,正红色是这个项目中极为吸引眼球的地方。在踏步上利用同一色系的深浅进行交错搭配,分而不隔离的围合给人一种被拥抱的感受,创造一种富有生命力,感染力,创造力的办公环境。为了消除红色的视觉疲劳,灰色的大面积运用很好的缓解了这点。同时在装置上,运用绿色大胆的与红色背景进行撞色。白色与灰色背景进行融合。如具生命力的宇宙陨石一般,充满活力,令人赏心悦目。
Website www.ggyiye.com
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  2. Metamorphosis in the Forest

  3. Hide and Climb

  4. House in Minohshinmachi

  5. Dirty Trunk

  6. Shiuyuan café

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  11. Rebirth of Warehouse

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  13. tea & something else

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  17. Elegant Greenhouse

  18. ShanghaiCourtyard Sales Center

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  23. A Serene Hideaway

  24. Sales Office of Dejia Mansion

  25. Calm the World

  26. SUNWA-office.TW

  27. Opus One


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