

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2020
Client tea & something else
Affiliation Hsiang S Design
Designer hsiangsdesign
Description(English) Using light to reintegrate all contradictory materials. Use a glass brick wall to create a transparent box that shines like a gem. The white space breaks the definition of materials commonly used in the past, by using mirrors.... and galvanized plates, and makes it technologically rational. Surgical lamp as the main decoration of a space, reflects the image that everyone is a patient and Right here, light is magnified infinitely. Leveraging virtual and real mirror conversion, the same angle presents a different look during the day and night.
Description(Native) 把一切矛盾且衝突的材質用燈光重新再以整合。用玻璃磚牆打造出一個像寶石般閃閃發亮的透明盒子。 潔白的空間打破以往常用的材質定義,利用鏡子、玻璃、不鏽鋼、鍍鋅板。顯得科技理性。 實驗室般的酒牆由五個拱門串連而成。手術燈做為一個空間的主要裝飾。反應出大家都該接受治療,大家都是病人的意象。 晚上燈光的顏色運染開整個空間,冰冷的材質開始產生變化。 光線在這裡被無限的放大。牆面俐落的光線,透過不鏽鋼一切開始變得扭曲虛幻。 音樂波動向室酒櫃的弧形一樣律動且理性。透過光線的轉變白天的實驗室變成晚上的酒櫃。 彷彿白天是不存在的空間。這時候的光暈隨著音樂開始擺動。一切的理性從這時候開始崩塌。 利用虛實的鏡子轉換。一樣的角度白天和晚上呈現不一樣的面貌。
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  2. Metamorphosis in the Forest

  3. Hide and Climb

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  5. Dirty Trunk

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  13. tea & something else

  14. SharingSpace

  15. MGY BASE

  16. Bring nature home for kids

  17. Elegant Greenhouse

  18. ShanghaiCourtyard Sales Center

  19. Cloud Villa

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  22. U Style Office

  23. A Serene Hideaway

  24. Sales Office of Dejia Mansion

  25. Calm the World

  26. SUNWA-office.TW

  27. Opus One


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