


Casa Marina

Extra Form
Country China Hong Kong
Year 2020
Affiliation Matthew Li (Grande Interior Design)
Designer Grande Interior Design
Description(English) Returning from abroad, the house owner, staying in an eight-storey house herself, craves for a stylish living environment. To present a modish design, dark-colored furniture is mostly selected. Sunlight shines through the floor-to-ceiling windows in the living room, thus walls were painted in dark-coloured not only to moderate sunlight reflected but also further magnify the aura created. To make sure the owner can fully make use of the spacious house, the designer transformed some of the bedrooms to functional rooms. For example, an extra-large bathroom with a lily-white bathtub at the centre.
Description(Native) 女戶主從外國回流,一人居住在一幢八層獨立屋,要求設計能夠呈現中性感覺。設計師特地用上較多深色家具,令型格效果升級。由於客廳範圍落地玻璃連接花園,可以引入大量自然光到屋内,因此設計師利用較深色牆身,中和光綫折射效果,再度深化設計主題。另外,爲了確保女戶主可以完善使用屋内每一個空間,設計師特地將其中睡房轉變成功能性房間,例如:擁有一個純白浴缸的特大個人浴室、貴賓室式衣帽間等等。由於房與房之間都有樓梯相隔,爲了方便戶主及客人生活作適,每一個睡房都特地設有套厠、衣櫃、書桌以及電視位,減少戶主及客人上上落落次數。此外,爲了緩和此獨立屋樓底過高的問題,設計師特地挑選比較誇張的時尚吊燈,將設計焦點降低,令整體設計和諧度大增。
Website grandehome.com.hk
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