

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2020
Affiliation MoreIn Design
Designer MoreInDesign
Description(English) The design presents the most suitable appearance according to the base environment and reduces the consumption of environmental resources. The broken red brick wall is kept, without polishing or spraying protective paint, so that the wall and the water is naturally adjusted. The design takes reduction as the main concept. The materials are mainly made of iron parts that are easy to recycle. Most of the walls retain their original appearance, and Italian mineral coatings are partially tested, which will also be used as a site for wall material experiments in the future.
Description(Native) 設計櫥窗的手法不僅打開內外視覺,讓人車爭道的小巷弄,有呼吸緩衝的角落;也規劃將來成為社區交流的小場所。 於內,將牆面剔除後發現建物外牆防水已有裂損,無法阻絕雨天的水氣侵入,如果不從外牆著手,白華無法根治。但由於案場是租賃的物件,無法整合整棟住戶合力處理外牆的部分;因此變更設計,保留破碎的紅磚牆面,不粉光也不噴塗保護漆,讓牆面呼吸、水氣自然調節,避免再產生白華壁癌。 全室設計以容易回收再利用的鐵件為主,減少日後改裝會產生的營建廢棄物。全工程幾乎沒有木作,僅為了暗示公司寵物如廁的範圍,保留廁所內的地磚,其他空間的地坪皆以木質地板鋪滿。多數牆面保留原有面貌,局部試驗義大利礦物塗料,將來亦作為壁面材料實驗的場所。家具擺飾的部分,多為老屋改裝案件中,被遺棄的老物;歲月的痕跡更增添其時代風華,搭配花藝裝置及現代家具/擺件,即賦予了其新的生命。
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