

Extra Form
Country China
Year 2020
Client Aixiang Shanghai Inc.
Affiliation P9 Architectural Design (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Designer zhouxiaorui
Description(English) The office is only 180sqm but full of artistic elements. The entrance of the office is made of pieces of transparent glasses, which creates a dramatic sense of openness in the space. All façades are used acylic plates rather than partition walls to divide the space. When people are strolling indoors, lights illuminate the whole space through stacked acrylic plates with dazzling lighting effects. No matter looking from the inside or the outside, the space presents an unspoken beauty, which fits the overall style and temperament of the interior space.
Description(Native) 该办公空间室内设计面积仅180平米,设计师为这个并不庞大的空间注入充满艺术感的元素。办公室的入口处由多片透明玻璃组成,使空间形成戏剧性的开放感,当人们穿行于办公楼通道中,便能欣赏到室内中层叠的蜿蜒起伏的造型。灯光从层叠的亚克力板之间发散,照亮整个空间,形成山影幢幢,雾气氤氲的光影效果。“闲看庭前花开花落,漫随天外云卷云舒。非云非雾,如烟如霞。”设计师将整个空间看做一个艺术垂片,借鉴古诗中“山际见来烟,竹中窥落日。鸟向檐上飞,云从窗里出。”的意境,诠释这个形态独特的现代化的办公室。运用天然大理石作为室内装饰的唯一背景墙,如山水般的自然纹理,色调轻薄而淡雅,远看像一幅浓淡相宜的水墨画,虚实相间,层次分明。纯白色的办公家具交错布局,大大小小的鹅卵石状的布艺沙发零散地摆放着,地面铺设质地坚细的金砖,空间宛若在迷迷蒙蒙的湖面上,有三三两两的船只停于水面,而岸边的鹅卵石则增加了远近景色的立体感。 独立的私人办公室被夹胶渐变的玻璃和层层堆叠的亚克力所包裹,与外部空间相互区分又相互融合。人们从内外视角看,分别有种无限延伸的朦胧美和一种“犹抱琵琶半遮面”的意境,契合室内空间的整体风格和气质。
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