


Mist Roamer

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2020
Affiliation National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
Designer Lang-Wen Ma
Description(English) Situated in Dietikon, the inconvenience of the transportation make this place sparse. To enliven this place, this temporary pavilion which expected to build in summer provides a cool-down spot with mist as well as the chatting place for visitors to relax and get prepared to swim in Limmat river without getting sunburned too early. The structure is composed with 20cmx20cm laser cut abandoned plywood to reduce the waste from this industrial place. The curve fabric in the middle is designed as the awning for visitors and to collect the rain into the water tank of the mist machine to produce mist.
Description(Native) 迪堤肯區蘇黎世的郊外,工業用地居多,訪客稀少,交通也相當不便利。 為了活絡這個地區,我們設置了冷卻的裝置空間。來到這個地方的人需要在日照下走一段路,必然汗流浹背。另一方面,附近居民喜歡來此地游泳並做日光浴等長時間逗留,此裝置能避免曬傷、冷卻空氣、避午後雷陣雨用。結構使用工廠廢棄甲板雷射切割成模矩化20X20公分的星型小塊組裝而成,使整體為霧一般若隱若現,盡可能的讓整個裝置如霧一般地存在於環境中。廢棄木棧板取自於一旁的工業區成為底座,與結構體皆為工廠回收再利用的木製材料。底部的兩台霧氣製造機取水於一旁的利馬特河,於氣溫升達到一定高度時會不定時噴出霧氣,減少周圍遊客的曬傷及不舒服感並同時降低周圍溫度且兼具實用性及美感。
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  1. Tape Art by TAPE THAT

  2. Metamorphosis in the Forest

  3. Hide and Climb

  4. House in Minohshinmachi

  5. Dirty Trunk

  6. Shiuyuan café

  7. Mist Roamer

  8. Aixiang investment office

  9. WITH

  10. Fusionista

  11. Rebirth of Warehouse

  12. Casa Marina

  13. tea & something else

  14. SharingSpace

  15. MGY BASE

  16. Bring nature home for kids

  17. Elegant Greenhouse

  18. ShanghaiCourtyard Sales Center

  19. Cloud Villa

  20. The Reflective Rice Grains

  21. Dian Chi Ming Men

  22. U Style Office

  23. A Serene Hideaway

  24. Sales Office of Dejia Mansion

  25. Calm the World

  26. SUNWA-office.TW

  27. Opus One


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