

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2020
Affiliation FUNDESIGN CO., LTD.
Designer fundesign.tv, TAPE THAT Collective
Description(English) In 2019, a visual party of lines, color chunks, and fluorescence sparked Taipei. It was the Tape That Art Exhibition organized by Fundesign.tv and Tape That Collective. A variety of projects with unusual ideas and techniques were presented in 8 tape art installations and exhibited over 40 tape paintings, together with videos of the artists’ work in the past. They also added brilliant sounds and light to make the event an immersive art milieu and materials they applied included cloth tapes, duct tapes, paper tapes, packaging tales, plastic tapes, and foils.
Description(Native) 2019年,一場由線條、塊狀、色彩與螢光交織而成的視覺盛會引爆台北特展界。 這是由台灣瘋設計Fundesign.tv與德國膠帶藝術團體Tape That Collective共同合作策辦的「聚膠行動#TapeArt」膠帶藝術展,其中展示包含Tape That Collective多幅各具特色技法的膠帶平面創作、多達八個視覺衝擊且獨具巧思的膠帶藝術互動空間、超過40張以上技法迥異的膠帶平面畫作,以及多年來他們在全世界推廣膠帶藝術的影像全紀錄。而此展覽主要是由德國藝術家們直接來到台北展覽現場進行現地創作,創作媒材包含各種材質的膠帶與膠膜,所有創作媒材皆為德國原裝進口。 這場聚焦膠帶藝術的展覽,藝術家們針對展場空間設計多款主題涵蓋偽裝、錯視、鏡屋與夜視廊道的現地創作,透過膠帶隨黏即拆、方便修改的特點,膠帶藝術家得以拓展更多創作的可能性,利用膠帶的線條與色彩,以繁複精細的非秩序疊貼技巧,讓原本平淡的空間展現出極具藝術美感的視覺效果,像是經典的偽裝展區,觀眾們能穿上與場景同款印花圖樣的衣服,完美隱身於藝術創作裡頭。而「膠光幻影」則是藝術家以RGB三原色與線性元素為概念打造出的夜視長廊,並利用螢光與燈光三原色的原理營造強烈的視覺感官經驗! 通過展覽內沈浸式藝術場景的打造,希望觀展者都能在不同作品中找觀點、找角度,一起加入創作,不要被視覺所看到的畫面所侷限,盡情突破框架,進入展區裡並變成其中的一份子。
Interview www.designsori.com/1167304
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  1. Tape Art by TAPE THAT

  2. Metamorphosis in the Forest

  3. Hide and Climb

  4. House in Minohshinmachi

  5. Dirty Trunk

  6. Shiuyuan café

  7. Mist Roamer

  8. Aixiang investment office

  9. WITH

  10. Fusionista

  11. Rebirth of Warehouse

  12. Casa Marina

  13. tea & something else

  14. SharingSpace

  15. MGY BASE

  16. Bring nature home for kids

  17. Elegant Greenhouse

  18. ShanghaiCourtyard Sales Center

  19. Cloud Villa

  20. The Reflective Rice Grains

  21. Dian Chi Ming Men

  22. U Style Office

  23. A Serene Hideaway

  24. Sales Office of Dejia Mansion

  25. Calm the World

  26. SUNWA-office.TW

  27. Opus One


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