

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2020
Designer JimmyYung, MaggieYang, TinaLiao
Description(English) Along with rapid changes of the world, the “dwelling” has to evolve. All the traditional function defined by its activities, will connect like “clouds” and shrink like a “mini-world”. Therefore, a residence will interact with the desire of its tenants. Not only is the rock climbing included in this project, but also other activities like working, learning and playing functions. In addition, we tried to put “time” into consideration: The design of tree house may adjust according to the child’s growth. But no matter how evolving, the essence of home remains the same, a warm and cozy place.
Description(Native) 以往針對不同活動所產生的場所,辦公室、學校、圖書館、遊樂場、運動場、餐飲娛樂等,將以”雲端化”以及”微型化”的方式進入住宅,讓住宅如同百寶箱般,依照居住者的不同需求而千變萬化。 本案除了攀岩之外、也整合了辦公、學習、閱讀、遊戲等不同活動,在兼顧傳統功能(餐廚、臥室等)的情況下,做最大的彈性利用。 另外,我們也嘗試將時間考慮進來,讓空間能依照幼兒成長的不同需求而調整。樹屋的設計,除了呼應”攀爬”的主題,並在現階段將最大的遊戲空間留給兩個幼兒;若干年後,樹屋將變成衣櫃,讓兩個青少年可以擁有各自獨立的房間。 不管如何進化,”家”的本質是不變的 ~ 一個溫暖而舒適的地方。 最困難的地方在於,如何設計出符合需求,又能與空間結合的運動設施。為了達到這個目標,我們除了在材質及顏色上搭配,並將攀岩壁的有機造型延伸,讓整個空間的語彙統一。
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  1. Tape Art by TAPE THAT

  2. Metamorphosis in the Forest

  3. Hide and Climb

  4. House in Minohshinmachi

  5. Dirty Trunk

  6. Shiuyuan café

  7. Mist Roamer

  8. Aixiang investment office

  9. WITH

  10. Fusionista

  11. Rebirth of Warehouse

  12. Casa Marina

  13. tea & something else

  14. SharingSpace

  15. MGY BASE

  16. Bring nature home for kids

  17. Elegant Greenhouse

  18. ShanghaiCourtyard Sales Center

  19. Cloud Villa

  20. The Reflective Rice Grains

  21. Dian Chi Ming Men

  22. U Style Office

  23. A Serene Hideaway

  24. Sales Office of Dejia Mansion

  25. Calm the World

  26. SUNWA-office.TW

  27. Opus One


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