

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2020
Affiliation A Space Interior Design CO.,LTD
Designer YenTeng,Chen
Description(English) The TV wall is composed of wooden grating, bringing a calming and warm oriental zen feel. The leather furniture in the style of modern minimalism and zen style TV wall offer great visual contrast. The ceiling is like a piece of white rice paper, allowing light and shadow to dance freely and creating a unique life path. The elegant bar counter is in black veneer to bring warmth to the field. The hanging ball-shaped lamps and the metal crafts below light up the whole space and give the feeling of low-key luxury. The private area is also designed in zen style.
Description(Native) 大開面的落地窗,將自然光影寫入宅邸,澆灌著空間中最豐厚的起承轉合。 透過設計的帶領延伸視感,通透流暢的場域佈局,讓空間擁有純粹的靜謐感受。 客餐廳以魚骨拚木地板鋪述醇厚的人文氣息,在深淺對比的交扣間,呈現漸進變化的感官體驗。 溫潤的木格柵組構具有東方質韻的電視主牆,流轉一抹沉靜禪意。 現代簡約的皮革傢俬,與電視牆的禪靜形成強烈的視覺對比,塑造形體間的衝突之美。 素淨的天花板宛如潔白的宣紙,任由光影的揮毫在量體上,產生獨特的生活軌跡。 地坪材質的轉換,讓場域有了明確的分野,卻又交融成一處生活聚落。 吧檯以染黑的木質皮層淬鍊優雅溫潤的場域溫度。 垂墜的球型燈飾及下方金屬工藝點綴輕奢內斂的空間氛圍。 私領域延續禪風的設計精神,輕簡材質上的運用,以細膩的木作筆觸刻劃雋永生活詩韻。
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