Country | Chinese Taipei |
Year | 2020 |
Award | WINNER |
Affiliation | Mobi Interior Design CO., LTD |
Designer | PoYao,Li |
Description(English) | Crystal-clear white marble TV wall is the epitome of grandeur and elegance. Featured with the similar color to the TV wall, the large cabinet creates a light and airy feel. In the dining area, the wood veneer that is slightly deeper in color creates a cozy dining environment. The black iron shelves inject a touch of chic personal style into this white and pure room. The low-chroma colors take the private area back to simplicity. With rustic hand-made texture, the bare gray wall brings out the charm of life. |
Description(Native) | 木與石的對話揭開序幕,自然媒材的運用,讓心跟著沉澱下來。 收斂空間的色系,讓光影的軌跡成為空間中最豐富的調色盤。 冰晶剔透的雕刻白大理石電視牆,醞釀優雅的空間語彙。 大尺度的櫃體,選用與電視主牆的相近色,羽化量體的突兀與沉重感。 下方的櫃體以金屬板材為組構,延伸至電視主牆,引導流暢的視覺動線。 古銅色的沉穩,也平衡空間色溫及視覺重心。 留白的沙發背牆,讓生活有呼吸餘裕,視覺也更為輕簡。 餐廳區略深的木質皮層圍塑馨暖的用餐環境。 黑色的鐵件層架,讓潔白的宅邸挹注一抹個性氣息。 俐落的吧檯,亦以石紋延伸空間的優雅質地。 低彩度的色系讓私領域回歸初始的狀態。 裸灰的壁面,帶點粗樸的手作肌理,譜出簡樸的生活詩韻。 垂墜的燈飾散發出柔和的光源,妝點靜謐的寢居氛圍。 |
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Positive Comments |
Land of coherency
Ru Garden Enterprise Mansion
Jiang Residence
831 [The Great Nobody] concert
Designed by / sketchbook5 board skin