

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2022
Affiliation TSAI DONG LIN
Description(English) The store is located under the pedestrian overhangs of a busy street, so we installed a bench that extends to the front of the store. This not only provides the neighborhood and the pedestrians with a friendly place to rest but also serves as a connection between the interior and exterior design The journey for the beauty treatment begins in the foyer encased under a ceiling of geometrically transformative design, evoking imagery of a cocoon that gently wraps around the space. The curved wall inside the treatment area is covered in a round, cocoon-like design, hinting at the goal of helping customers break out of their cocoon and be reborn.
Description(Native) 煩囂急速的生活節奏,紛擾多變的社會環境,常讓都市人喘不過氣,渴想在喧鬧中尋找一點寧謐自在,追求內心的平靜。 而做為一個按摩SPA品牌為客人提供一個素靜氛圍尤為重要。 因此選用純粹質樸的水泥、原始溫潤的木材為空間營造出自然原始的基調。 以平凡普通的建築用料,回歸材料最自然原始的本質,一抹淡然恬靜油然而生,讓繁忙的現代人在都市中,即能感受歲月靜好。 店面基地位於台灣車水馬龍的騎樓處,因此我們在外觀配置了延伸的加長型座椅, 不只提供鄰里行人友善的休憩空間,也讓室內外有了更好的連結, 並將店家日常框景並展示出來。 美容儀式的動線從大廳開始,透過幾何轉化具包圍感的天花, 如同繭的意象溫柔包覆著空間。 空間中美容室的弧形牆面則對應著一顆顆的弧形繭狀結構, 暗示著破繭重生變美的目標, 而最終的沐浴空間,使用全白色調的反差, 營造出美體儀式最終化繭成蝶、身心蛻變之意象。
Website www.doitstudio.design
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  1. Dental Hipster

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  3. Ribbon House

  4. In Between the Red Brick Wall

  5. MDCG

  6. Turning Page

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  11. Long Time Sunshin

  12. Greenland Wancui City a1 unit

  13. Stillness

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  15. Place of comfort

  16. Tranquil Fusion

  17. HYGGE

  18. Endless Phantom

  19. Sharing Art

  20. An inviting indigo condo

  21. House with a garden

  22. Choshida house

  23. Bezier W

  24. Emerge from the Cocoon and be Reborn

  25. Huating Ziyuan Villa

  26. The Realm of Rustic Light

  27. Z


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