

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2023
Client Lungyen Life Service Corporation, Ltd.
Affiliation Snuper Design Inc.
Designer Cheng Wei Lin
Description(English) At the center of area stands statue of Bodhisattva, the curved back wall smoothly diverges from side to side in sequence, opening a cautious and secret prelude to farewell ceremony. The orderly column and the large stone pillars deepen the solemnity and imagination of entering another world. The VIP Hall presents a new generation style. The arc walls dynamically develop outwards, creating centripetal guidelines. The plaques (ancestral tablets) are displayed in a stepped style and in front of light bands, highlighting the delicate texture of crystal lotus flowers, embodying emotions in the process of constructing spatial experiences.
Description(Native) 生命禮儀是以託付與信念為信仰,我們希望能夠感動、觸動人,藉由一進又一進動線導引、雋永材質的刻劃、燈光的營造,呈現莊嚴與靜謐。整體設計以「傳承之光」為主軸,使有限的生命能以另一種形式延續,使得時光不息,靈魂不滅,希望在兩個相近卻無垠的世界裡,創造一個能夠追思、寧靜、全然放下的場域。天雲、金木、地石為比喻,天雲的歸隱、金木的氣節、地石的磅礡,將質樸而純粹的空間調性,回歸生命的根本,象徵永恆與霎那。運用素雅莊嚴石材、大磚、特殊漆將空間凝聚的純粹而樸實,光的意象讓到來的人們回歸生命的根本。VIP拜飯區以曲牆的動態形式向外發展,導弧的動線創造向心性,階梯式的陳列,以光帶包裹水晶牌位散發出光芒,也凸顯水晶蓮花的細膩質感,更豐富了空間情感,也在構築空間體驗的過程中,寄託人類的情感。於晉塔中心,地藏王菩薩莊嚴而有器度地佇立著包容一切,象徵圓滿的弧形背牆,依著序列光帶左右各自發散,作為慎重而隱密的序曲,讓到來的人們感受對於生命之敬重。
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