


Li Bai

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Country China
Year 2023
Affiliation Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts
Designer Wang Chao, Zou Hu, Shu Xin, Liu Jinghao
Description(English) China is the hometown of white wine and the country of poetry. From the beginning of poetry, it has forged an indissoluble bond with wine. This is a metal white wine glass design which has three holes. When in use, the holes need to be pressed and closed with fingers to hold the wine. When the wine slowly flows into the glass, the fingers become part of the vessel. The relationship between people, wine and utensils becomes subtle at the moment. When drinking, the feeling of "Xiao" (Chinese musical instrument) is also faintly revealed. The heroic spirit and carefree mental state of the poet Li Bai while drinking and versifying is emerged.
Description(Native) 中华古国是酒的故乡,也是诗的国度。诗从诞生,就与酒结下了不解之缘。 这是一款酒杯的设计。杯身具有三个孔,在使用时需要用手指将其按住封闭才可盛酒。当白酒缓缓流入杯中,手指已成为了酒杯的一部分。人,酒,器三者的关系在白酒倾注的那一刻变得微妙。不锈钢金属材质的运用让《李白》更具现代感,给人带来冰凉清爽的感觉和白酒入口的热辣形成对比。杯身的弧度让整个姿态变得更有灵性,上宽下窄的结构使酒杯更加沉稳。举杯饮酒时,“萧”(中国古代乐器)的感觉隐约显现而出,畅饮几杯,此时酒意朦胧,宛如诗人李白“百年三万六千日, 一日须倾三百杯”的豪迈畅快,又有醉眼轻世,虽醉犹醒的精神状态。饮酒人在使用的过程中与《李白》之间的交流,营造出属于自己的诗意氛围。
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