


Shan Shan

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Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2023
Affiliation Shih Chien University
Designer Ching Ying Chu
Description(English) Most portable camping tables are square-topped and have a multi-part construction; while they minimize size, they also lead to a complex assembly process and a standardized appearance. Inspired by the structure of the traditional Chinese Folding Fan, the innovative camping table has a circular desktop and is easy to assemble and stow. By simply rotating the crossbar under the table, it can be quickly switched between the “ expanded“ and “ curled“ forms, which not only improves portability but simplifies the usage process, and provides more options in appearance.
Description(Native) 市售的便攜型露營桌大多為方形桌面、多零件式的結構;雖能最大限度的縮小體積,卻也造成組裝過程繁複、外觀制式化等缺憾。 Shan Shan以中國傳統團扇旋轉後扇面能夠捲曲、收納的結構作為發想,設計出一張組裝與收納步驟簡便,且擁有圓形桌面的創新露營桌。使用者只需藉由旋轉桌下橫桿便能迅速切換「展開」與「可捲曲」的兩種型態 : 當橫桿與桌面片材互相垂直時,形成支撐結構,完成展開;反之,當兩者互相平行時,桌面為可以捲曲收納的狀態。將伸縮桌腳收攏後放入桌面內包裹、以魔鬼氈固定,便可完成收納。這樣的設計除了提升收納性並簡化操作流程,在產品外觀上也提供了更多選擇。 設計細節方面,伸縮桌腳尾端以結構精密的圓球狀限位關節,來取代容易因地面不平整而傾斜的方底關節,改善穩固性與美觀。限位關節頂端的突起則是能與桌面底下的凹槽榫接,便於使用者快速組裝、拆卸。而當露營桌為展開狀態時,側邊的織帶可以纏繞在桌腳X型關節處固定,避免垂落。
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