



Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2024
Affiliation ChunChieh Chan
Designer ChunChieh Chan
Description(English) The planning focus is on enhancing the existing framework of the space (such as ceilings, cabinetry, and wooden flooring) to improve the perception of standardized, isolated elements. Strategically utilizing various materials and elements, the design introduces "richness" into the space. Wood, stone, metal, glass, and paint continuously transform within the space through the interplay of textures and material characteristics. This resonance is not merely visual; through the interaction of details and overall harmony, the space becomes an organic entity, providing residents with emotional connections and living inspiration.
Description(Native) 規劃重點在於從原空間既有的新框架(如:天花板、廚具、木地板)基礎上,改善那些既有的制式化、孤立性的觀感。設計上策略性地運用不同材質、元素載體,將"豐富性"置入空間之中。空間中的木板、石材、金屬、玻璃、漆料等不同元素藉由紋理、材質特性之間的線索在空間中不斷轉換。這些材質從紋理的純淨、複雜、美麗,到帶點顆粒、平滑、穿透和反射,透過光影反應自然、堅固、永恆、精緻的感受。這種共鳴不僅僅是視覺上的,也建構了空間與居住者之間深層互動的概念。通過空間和機能布局,區域之間維繫著流動和互通性。陪伴、遊樂、對話是一種凝聚生活的方案,每一種生活方式、每一個元素都能視作空間的一部分,彼此相互呼應,形成連貫,讓空間成為有機體,作為居住者情感連結與生活靈感啟發的場域。
Positive Comments
Judging Comments The design excels in enhancing the existing framework by integrating diverse materials—wood, stone, metal, glass, and paint—creating a dynamic and harmonious space. This approach enriches the environment, fostering emotional connections and inspiring the residents. The interplay of textures and materials transforms the space into an organic entity, blending visual appeal with functional harmony. This strategic use of elements provides a unique, living experience that transcends mere aesthetics.
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