


MJ Residence

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Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2024
Affiliation Shih shih Interior Design Co., Ltd.
Designer Lin Chia Pei, Hu Hsin Ju, Chang Ke Ren, Liu Wei Peng
Description(English) The spatial arrangement was thoughtfully planned to reduce the necessity of relocating the three preexisting lavatories. In order to tackle the concern of the entrance and bathroom doors directly facing each other at the rear of the area, the group erected a gracefully curved passageway. This solution additionally contributed to establishing a more expansive and uncluttered atmosphere throughout the entirety of the space. As you enter the space, your eyes are immediately drawn to the sturdy glass tile wall that serves not only as a divider between the living room and study but also as a means of connecting the flow of movement.
Description(Native) 空間配置在盡量不遷移3間衛浴室的前提下,團隊先打造出波浪狀的弧形廊道,以解決入口大門因正對空間深處浴室門而產生的不適感。與此同時,整個空間不受拘束的調性也由此而生。 自玄關開始搭建的實心玻璃磚牆,同時也作為客廳和書房之間的隔間牆。除了扮演動線串連的角色之外,也能使人感受到空間的寬廣,而光線穿透玻璃磚所產生的視覺模糊感,也能讓空間顯得更加柔和。客廳與餐廚區之間是以通透的玻璃隔間和原木質地的穀倉門做區隔,當廚房在烹調時,僅需將門闔上便能避免油煙逸散至各處的問題。而透過虛實交織的隔間設計,讓空間能隨時兼具獨立和連結性。另外,為因應屋主時常下廚的習慣,餐廚空間除了配置完善的烹調機能與充裕的料理空間之外,還規劃了輕食、茶酒餐台櫃,並將中島和餐桌相互連接,試圖為一家人創造出彈性、多元的動線和使用方式。 此次住宅設計的重要課題,是如何引導使用者在空間裡產生更多交集。經過團隊編排量體間的關係和材料元素的組合,冀望以「剛剛好」的尺度去滿足屋主對未來居所的憧憬,更期盼能帶來預期之外的趣味互動。除此之外,環保層面也不能馬虎,不僅在公、私領域皆設有對外窗,更在室內隔間採用了玻璃磚、玻璃拉門作為場域界定,讓自然光得以恣意流淌在空間之中,進而降低居者使用人工照明的頻率,達到節能減碳的效果。
Website shih-shih.com
Positive Comments
Judging Comments The project was highly regarded for its thoughtful spatial planning, minimizing the need to relocate preexisting lavatories. The gracefully curved passageway enhances spatial flow and openness, while the glass tile wall effectively connects the living room and study, creating a cohesive and expansive atmosphere. This design masterfully balances functionality and aesthetics.
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