

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2024
Affiliation ACG Design International
Designer George PC Kao
Description(English) The name "Quiet Boundary" stands for the meaning of quiet demarcation. The designers utilized inverse thinking and subtlety to create a living space with a sense of depth and layer. In the dark modern style, the connection between areas establishes the depth of field and emphasizes the importance of family interaction and communication. It ensures order in each area and allows for unobstructed light and shadow, creating a calm and inclusive atmosphere. In the master bedroom, a window-length sofa provides storage and serves as a cozy sitting corner. Residents can enjoy reading or watching the natural scenery from the window.
Description(Native) 基地為新成屋,本作品取名為「謐謐」,代表安靜的分界之意,藉由逆向思維和隱晦手法,設計師塑造出具有深度和層次感的居住空間。在深色調的現代風格中,利用空間連結奠定豐富的景深,強調家庭互動和溝通的重要性。 透過「加法」原則,本案在空間設計中刻意塑造清晰的界限,重新定義玄關、廚房與餐廳的功能區域,以確保各個區域的使用秩序,也讓整個空間的光影得以流動自如,從而形塑出沉穩而具包容性的氛圍。而在主臥室,設計師配置長向窗邊的臥榻沙發,既增加實用的收納空間,也提供舒適的休憩角落,讓居住者能在自家的私密空間中,享受閱讀或欣賞外界景觀的悠閒時光。 在當前的室內設計實踐中,永續性已成為一個重要的考量因素,為了實現更環保且功能持久的空間,本作中採用多種策略以強化建築的永續性。在材料選擇上,設計師堅持使用綠建材材料,這些材料來自可持續來源,不僅降低對環境的負擔,對人體也是親膚無毒,也能確保室內空氣質量。
Positive Comments
Judging Comments "Quiet Boundary" stands out for its innovative use of inverse thinking and subtle design to create a layered living space. The design emphasizes family interaction and communication while maintaining a calm atmosphere. The master bedroom's window-length sofa offers both storage and a cozy sitting corner, enhancing the overall functionality and aesthetic appeal.
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