

Extra Form
Country Taiwan
Year 2018
Client WID Architecture & Interior Design
Affiliation WID Architecture & Interior Design
Designer WID
Description(English) On the stage,performers deliver their emotions by a simple motion or just silence. In our life,imagine that space is a stage and you are just like a performer of your own life who could create the most beautiful scenes in that space.The wooden color brings people a warm feeling. The elegant grey and white design of the cement walls represent the historical value. Where it can quickly notice the shadows and the light beams of the day on it.The reinforced concrete of industrial-style design can bring people back to the original design but more modern.The variety of different construction materials can completely change our perspective of space.
Description(Native) 舞台上,透過了一個肢體動作又或者一陣沉默,而感受到了所傳遞的情緒。 空間就是舞台,而生活就像表演者般,創造出所有美好的畫面。 木質的原色給人溫暖的觸感、水泥的灰白色與細膩,對光影擁有極高的感應力、工業風粗獷的鋼筋,帶有原始風味和現代感。隱含著家的溫度,多元的融合為空間帶來了改變。 原味生活的提煉,結合了灑落的陽光、相伴的人,生活在簡單而舒適的環境中。 一盞燈.一點點的感受 對於屋主最希望的生活 我們從設計過程中也細細品味出 空間需要人賦予生命後產生共鳴 陽光灑在室內的溫度是每一天的開始 也在此開起生活的每一頁 每一頁,因為有了彼此而豐富 每一頁,因為有了空間而緊密 每一頁,因為有了故事而完整
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