

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2022
Affiliation Chun Design
Designer HU CHUN HAO
Description(English) The differences between the 1st and 2nd floors or the divide in the calm hipster or the refresh vibrant styles, the configuration of relevant functional units, the arrangement of the flow and the pairing of materials also take into account the convenience for the personnel and optimum spatial efficiency. First of all, in order to maintain a smooth flow on the 1st floor, the entrance will include a reception counter and a waiting area against a closed arched wall, the X-ray room will have a curved façade with an independent roof as the center of the entire area, which will create a U-shaped barrier-free flow that wrap around the X-ray room.
Description(Native) 除了一、二樓或沈穩文青、或清新活潑的風格設定有所差異外,相關機能單元配置、動線梳理、材質搭配,也都確實考慮到人員便利性和最佳空間效益。首先一樓為保動線流暢,入口處規劃接待櫃檯與背靠收弧的候診區,並打造弧圓立面、獨立封頂的X光室作為全區軸心,進而衍生環繞X光室往返的U型無障礙動線。 一樓候診暨櫃檯區,取深淺木質與大範圍柔白做對比,構築溫馨放鬆的氛圍情境。白牆上半銜接雙層半穿透木格櫃,加上修長拱門、刻意不封頂的樑線處理,巧妙牽引多角度的視線流動,一種微復古的文青情懷隨之流露。二樓由於接待兒童患者為主,牆面選用木質洞洞板、OSB板、司曼特塗料、石塑地板等親自然材施作,搭配清新色塊明確象徵單元屬性,在三座獨立診室之間另備一方架高閱讀、遊憩區,有效舒緩孩子們等待過程的躁動性。
Website chun-design.tw
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  1. The Essence

  2. A skiff

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  5. Cresta Galleria

  6. Regular Unregular

  7. Engild

  8. Xi an Metro Line 5

  9. Retro Modern

  10. Health and Wellness Shelter

  11. The Rising Dawn

  12. Room With A View

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