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Country China
Year 2023
Affiliation Guangzhou College of Commerce
Designer Ma Zhuobin, Zhang Hao, Chen Xinyan, Gao Pingzhi, Lin Ziying
Description(English) This Virtual fitting room uses motion capture and automatic modeling technology to capture and model the user's movements. By clicking on clothes on the screen, the user's clothes can be changed in real-time on the model. The model is rendered based on the user's actual size and tracks their movements, allowing for a realistic try-on experience without changing clothes. This technology can improve the shopping experience, reduce time and costs for users, and decrease store costs, potentially replacing the need for a physical clothing mall.
Description(Native) 这个虚拟试衣间使用动作捕捉和自动建模技术创建出一个逼真且交互性强的虚拟环境,让用户可以在其中进行试衣和选择衣服。用户只需在屏幕上点击所选衣物,即可在屏幕中实时更换衣服。试衣间中的虚拟模型是按照用户实际尺寸建模和渲染的,可以实时跟踪用户在现实中的动作并在屏幕上呈现,而用户选择的服装也会穿戴在模型身上。试衣间中的服装尺寸、颜色、款式等都会在模型身上呈现出真实效果,让用户无需更换衣服即可完成一次试穿购物体验。这个虚拟试衣间可以提供更高效和更棒的购物体验,减轻用户负担,无需花费大量时间和其他成本即可完成高效舒适的购物。它能够大大降低商店成本和压力,甚至可以替代整个服装商场!总之,虚拟试衣间是一种基于技术创新的购物体验方式,是未来数字化购物时代的重要组成部分。
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  10. Health and Wellness Shelter

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