

Extra Form
Year 2016
Designer 유예경
Description(English) Over 40 years after its birth, adidas Original’s iconic all-time classic, the Superstar sneaker, is back in the limelight in the 'SUPERSTAR | Hall of Fame' pop-up store in Seoul, South Korea. The design concept aims at bringing out the sneaker’s essence, which is expressed in the campaign’s slogan 'Superstar is not what you think it is'. The goal was to create an experience space that highlights superstar’s deep involvement and evolution in the heart of popular culture.
Description(Native) 세계적으로 사랑받아 온 스니커즈의 아이콘이자 아디다스 오리지널스의 진정한 클래식. 1969년 탄생부터 현재까지 40여 년간 유행을 넘어서 대중의 지속적인 관심을 받아온 슈퍼스타의 가치를 재조명하기 위해 'SUPERSTAR | Hall of Fame'을 서울에서 선보였습니다. SUPERSTAR l Hall of Fame 팝업 스토어는 이번 캠페인의 슬로건인 'Superstar is not what you think it is'라는 본질의 중요성을 강조한 메시지에 초점을 맞춰 디자인되었으며 슈퍼스타의 문화적 융합과 진화를 다양하게 체험할 수 있도록 구성 했습니다.
Website http://urbantainer.com
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  1. Common Ground

  2. Hokkaido Dairy Farm Restaurant

  3. adidas Superstar l Hall of Fame

  4. ORIGAMI ark

  5. AlpenRoute Village

  6. Space 展開

  7. Residence of Hsieh

  8. Contemporary Minimalism

  9. BELLO Restaurant

  10. KAWAII preparatory school

  11. Office of Danny Chiu Interior Designs Limited

  12. Time/Intertwining

  13. Zen Industry

  14. UM Junior

  15. Life●Flying

  16. Synapse 突觸

  17. La Station Cafe

  18. Wander

  19. Life style sunshine residents

  20. Villa Monte Rosa

  21. The Vineyard

  22. Extend . Extending

  23. Cabinet's Kitchen

  24. Drawer

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