


Space 展開

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Year 2016
Description(English) Space is unveiled in 2-D freely a clear axis cuts through the primary space. It determines the entire tune of the allocation for sofa at living room it is the façade of gaiety facing the primary mural space of TV on one side and the long bar on the other side. Taking sofa of living-room as the space focus linking up all of the open space. There are two main themes within the space mirror-white iron and indigenous stone-peel ceiling of steel material and wooden floor material, color tinge, proportion, contour they roam around as the four confront one another. Experiencing the sense of quality and color and also the changes of design. We make much effort in between attempting to balance design, and so as life.
Description(Native) 空間由一個自由平面展開,一道清晰的軸線貫穿主要空間。 客廳沙發的配置決定了整個調性,是愉快的面貌;一向面對電視主牆,一向面對長形吧台,同一個空間,可以有不同選擇的情境。 以客廳沙發為空間重心,沒有侷限的連結所有開放空間。 空間之中,兩道主題-鏡面白鐵與原始石皮,冷峻天花與溫潤地板;材質、色調、比例、線條,四者相對在此流轉。 體驗著質感與色彩,體驗著設計的變化。 鏡面的反射,使空間倍增;花紋像是散落的金箔,捕捉虛空。 主臥優雅簡單,半圓弧窗維持採光的平衡與廣角的美景。 我們在其中努力,試圖平衡著設計,同時也平衡著生活。
Website http://da-interior.com
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  1. Common Ground

  2. Hokkaido Dairy Farm Restaurant

  3. adidas Superstar l Hall of Fame

  4. ORIGAMI ark

  5. AlpenRoute Village

  6. Space 展開

  7. Residence of Hsieh

  8. Contemporary Minimalism

  9. BELLO Restaurant

  10. KAWAII preparatory school

  11. Office of Danny Chiu Interior Designs Limited

  12. Time/Intertwining

  13. Zen Industry

  14. UM Junior

  15. Life●Flying

  16. Synapse 突觸

  17. La Station Cafe

  18. Wander

  19. Life style sunshine residents

  20. Villa Monte Rosa

  21. The Vineyard

  22. Extend . Extending

  23. Cabinet's Kitchen

  24. Drawer

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