

Extra Form
Country Korea
Year 2017
Affiliation freelancer
Designer Sung Ho LEE, Jong Gyu Hwang
Description(English) The fire extinguishing facilities in public places have the fire extinguisher, emergency interphone, emergency flashlight, hammer and gas mask are installed separately, thus swift coping and tasking measure is hard when fire occurs. By integrating the fire extinguisher, hammer, emergency radio, gas mask and flashlight into one, when fire occurs, more swift coping with the fire situation can be possible and security can be assured with the gas mask, and also swift declaration of the fire and notification of damage status can be accomplished with the emergency radio and when isolated, the person can inform of where he is using the radio
Description(Native) 현재 지하철 또는 빌딩, 큰 건물 등 공공장소의 화재 소화시설물들은 소화기, 화재 경보음, 비상인터폰, 비상 랜턴, 망치 그리고 방독면 등이 재 각각 설치되어 있어 화재 발생시 신속한 대응 및 조취가 힘든 상황이다. 소화기+망치+비상무전기+방독면&랜턴을 하나로 통합하여 화재 발생시 보다 더 빠른 화재상황 대처로 화재 진압 밑 방독면으로 안전을 확보하며 비상무전기를 이용하여 빠른 신고 조치 및 피해상황을 알려 줄 수 있으며 고립 시 무전기를 통하여 자신의 위치를 알려 줄 수 있게 된다.
Website http://blog.naver.com/gtodrv
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  1. Spiral Arches

  2. The Ki, The River, The Music

  3. Uchiya Bake Shop Hanaten

  4. Cha Liou Japanese barbecue restaurant


  6. Cloudy Tea

  7. Japanese Sake MIYOSHI

  8. KADOKUWA Kanroni

  9. KBS 2TV Idents - Channel Branding 2017

  10. The Typeface Research Project

  11. Dongguan Farming History in 1949-1979


  13. BTS [WINGS] Album Branding Design

  14. SWING

  15. BABY CARRIERS is patented for its unique ergonomic

  16. Bar-type Portable Projector by Mobile Tail

  17. Fragrance-oil diffuser for minimal life

  18. Rayo

  19. Smart Spin Light

  20. Tok Talk

  21. All in one fire fighting

  22. Clip&Cut

  23. muul light

  24. Ripples

  25. Flowerpot -Watering from the Side

  26. "Z"

  27. Angle

  28. Coinlock

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