



Extra Form
Country Korea
Year 2017
Affiliation Sangmyung Univ.
Designer Juchang Ham, hyeju Yoon, sanghyeon Na, Chieun Jang
Description(English) Korean used 'maetdol(=millstone)' when they process the powder from ingredients. Maetdol is composed of two overlapped round stones and can be used by turning the handle after filling the hole of runner stone with grains. It was designed based on the wisdom of Korean ancestors, which is very simple and efficient. We enjoy tea culture. Among them, we love the coffee most. The consumption of coffee is constantly growing in the global economy and it will continue to increase. So we chose the coffee considering the trend, which can easily communicate with the people in the world.
Description(Native) 한국은 식재료를 가루로 가공할때 '맷돌'을 사용했다. 둥근 돌 두개를 포갠 형태이며, 상판 돌 구멍에 곡식을 넣은뒤 돌려서 사용하는 방식이다. 매우 간단하면서 효율적인 우리 조상들의 지혜를 바탕으로 디자인했다. 현대인들은 커피를 좋아하며 많은 소비를 한다. 전세계적으로 커피 소비가 매우 높으며 앞으로도 계속 증가 할 것이다. 그래서 우리는 이러한 트랜드를 반영해 전 세계인들과 쉽게 우리나라 전통 맷돌을 교감할 수 있는 맷돌 커피 머신을 디자인 했다.
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  3. Maetdol

  4. My-cans

  5. PIVS

  6. Portable Track Detector

  7. Seesaw cover

  8. A Residence Spilled with Lights and Shadows

  9. Agitation Between Movement

  10. beyond expression

  11. Bright and Fierce

  12. Dubu House

  13. Gratification and Consciousness in Living

  14. HOTEL THE Grandee

  15. Inuo Mental Hospital

  16. Lights across the Tree

  17. Lotus Farm

  18. Lounge 18

  19. Metallic Ocean Myth

  20. Modern British Industrialism

  21. Soundrise Design Pavilion

  22. Soundrise Headquarter

  23. The Warm Concept

  24. Yao Jian Zhu

  25. Blizzard Cinema

  26. Extended lines


  28. Blue Wind

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