

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2020
Client Residence Lin in Central Park by Chung Yuet Group
Affiliation Yann Lin Interior Design Co.,Ltd
Designer Nelson Song, Robert Hung, Chih-Hsun Huang
Description(English) The owner loves to collect Chinese antiques, sculptures, and purple sand-fired teapots, which has been taken into consideration when planning the initial design. The facade pattern and the Guanyin (the Bodhisattva) sculpture at the entrance hall foresee the theme of the space. After the entrance hall, the main vision is a majestic marble with an image of landscape painting, between the study area on the right and the living room the left. The poetic image of the ink-splash Chinese landscape painting on the stones of black and white is grandeur forming this impressive partition wall.
Description(Native) 這個230弭平方的住宅以多重質材裝飾,序列出猶如層疊屏巒般的山水空間,輔以燈光帶出情境質感,圍塑出與自然和諧共存的家的氛圍。屋主喜好蒐集帶有中式風情的骨董、雕塑以及紫砂茶壺,在設計前置初始即將這些意像納入空間展示的考量與規劃。從進門玄關處的觀音雕塑為起始,即以迎賓形象來提升門面格局。入廳後,右為書房區,左為客廳,從中大氣的以山水意象為主視覺,樹立色澤風格強烈的黑白紋理石材為兩區間矮隔牆,一如山水墨色潑灑於其中,提升整體大氣度。石材以右為書房區,並以同一塊石材延伸作為桌面應用,放大了書房中的山水韻味,並呈現對稱的T字視覺格局,使構成質感兩者皆俱平衡。石材以左為客廳電視牆面,當座臥於沙發時直視牆面,亦如觀賞墨色山水般,增添室內風景。 客廳佈局呈現簡約現代,但絲毫不與場域裡多重的東方情調有違和,並大膽以亮藍色可坐臥的皮質單椅點出摩登感,配上單椅後方大型立燈,成就公領域中男主人最喜愛,感受最愜意的一隅端景。餐廳與客廳平行,看過去帶有濃厚的幽簧氛圍。餐區雙牆,一面以竹林為意象,從天到地刻劃出幾何凹凸直紋,橫向還有竹節脈絡,象徵如虛心有節的君子風範。對面牆為要陳列屋主的紫砂壺收藏而規劃,細膩長方層架前有圓形鏤空拉門,門片於推拉時圓弧鏤空處剛好聚焦收藏,其格局在方圓交互間盡顯其東方優雅,順勢帶出天圓地方之象徵與內方外圓之處世,與對牆的竹節君子之說相隨呼應著。空間以山水居室為情境揮灑,力求突破材質與形式的局限,思考東方意境的重組,完整構築符合都會生活的東方審美。
Website yann-lin.com.tw
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  1. Du Tea

  2. Pet Treats Studio

  3. Breathing House

  4. Touch the Sky

  5. Place to connect

  6. Taiheiyo Club YACHIYO

  7. 閑適境 Cosy Cozy

  8. TOXNFILL Dermatology


  10. Taipei EROS Hair Salon

  11. Nature's Canvas

  12. Zoosindang

  13. Fabric Christmas Wonderland

  14. Marvelous Studio

  15. Contemporary timeless home

  16. Proto - headquarter

  17. Calorie lab

  18. Renovated to a 2-family house

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  21. Neo Twilight Aesthetics

  22. Wishing Pavilion

  23. Haicheng Jingrongfu Center

  24. Richworld Pavilion

  25. XOR Creative Research


  27. INK ‧ CHARM

  28. Manor House

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