



Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2020
Client kensing interior design
Affiliation kensing interior design
Description(English) 1. The curved extension of the TV wall makes the wardrobe completely hidden, and even the scenery is incorporated into the room. 2. The low wall of the study uses a tile, the same as the rear wall, hiding the attention of the low wall. 3. The living room is separated from the study area, but the vision remains penetrating. 4. The elegant bookcase with red and black is the center of the whole space. 5. The hidden door of the tile is integrated into the wall. 6. The bed head is extended to the ceiling with a line, and the space is extended. 7. Use pink to make the space more gentle.
Description(Native) 1.電視牆的弧形延伸,不只使衣櫃完全隱藏其中,甚至窗外的景色納入室內設計當中 2.書房矮牆使用磁磚的材質,與後方牆面使用的材質相同,更能夠隱藏矮牆的注意力,也產生了視覺的遠近效果. 3.客廳與書房兩個區域有所分隔,但視覺上仍然保持穿透,也讓空間更加寬廣. 4.紅色與黑色相間的書櫃,營造出大器、優雅的氛圍,成為整個公共空間的中心點. 5.整體磁磚設計的隱藏門,融合在整體磁磚牆面內,產生舒適的感覺,並且只整體更加有設計感. 6.主臥的床頭牆面採用線條延伸至天花板,不只拉長空間,也減少了空間的壓迫感. 7.主臥採用粉色家具為主,使空間的氣氛變得更加溫柔. 8.小孩房使用隔柵產生出光線.並且將光線變成空間上的主角.
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