

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2021
Affiliation Gong Gou Design
Designer Verna Huang, Camby Wu
Description(English) By way of the built-in cabinets layout and high ceiling structure, besides horizontally and vertically set up the open and capacious configuration, moreover, introduce the sunlight to create the captivating realm of light and shadow, so that fashion an ample circumstance for designing, also through the invisible interaction between people and the space to develop the emotional connection. Eight mechanical wall lamps are fixed on both sides of the wall. The angles can be adjusted freely, seems like the stage lighting to attract people's vision on the unique material and display as the conspicuous element of the space.
Description(Native) 橫向將主牆與櫃體合一,縱向採挑高手法導入陽光,在開闊視野之餘,以虛實交錯的光影製造景深,增添詮釋及思考情境意涵的廣度,透過人心與外部空間的無形交流,醞釀兩者情感連結;上方的屋頂狀樑木為三角桁架結構,需由兩支斜向椽架與水平托樑組成,象徵業主與設計師一同搭建的共識及信任,將室內設計品牌的核心理念實體化。 純粹的木皮為主要基調,其自然紋理與節眼顯露溫潤質感,加以石材點綴,活化環境氣息;細節處併入微量鐵件和線板,增添設計細膩感;牆面局部的灰色塗料,搭配優良採光平衡整體,為建材變換質感及色調,呈現清新而穩重的氛圍。 兩側牆面陳列8盞機械式壁燈,可自由變更角度,如舞台燈光般帶出空間主角,使人將目光聚焦於特殊建材或展品,其古典造型具裝飾性質,簡明的線條不僅提升藝術品味,亦為環境增添多向層次。位於中央的軌道燈,應工作所需,能調整光源聚焦程度,並備有白光及晝光兩種色溫,平衡視覺感受,塑造愉快並使人專注投入的辦公場景。
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