

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2021
Affiliation Yi Ho Interior Design
Description(English) Take the coordinated color scheme into account to result in an inviting view. Thereupon, adopt the sedate deep hue to apply on the storage cabinets in the living and dining rooms, the column finish, and the walls behind the headboard of each bedroom, and work in concert with cheerful light tinges. Select the marble with dark tone and dyed wood veneer as the foremost renovation elements to introduce the natural rustic wooden feature and composed temperament into the space. Exploit relatively elegant colors to finish their bedrooms, meticulously blend the cool tone of marble and the warmth of wooden veneer to fashion the captivating settings.
Description(Native) 餐廳特色的巨幅畫作端景,由便於清潔維護的四片繃布拼接而成,在面積廣大的牆面揮灑下水彩的亮眼畫面,增添人文氣蘊於其中;黑棕色與黃橙色木皮櫃體,分別矗立於入口區右側與直行左側,藉由深淺的交相互映,表現穩重與協調的色彩配置。 客廳電視牆一路望向空間盡頭處的書房,是進屋後的另一端景,特色在於木皮夾陳開放櫃體的設計,結合線條交錯的展現;沙發左右擺有金屬燈具,沉穩的灰色軟裝作為擺飾主軸,加上熱帶橙色單椅跳色,塑造些許變化趣味。 窗畔的淺色木皮柵櫃體,為收納電器功能,其造型有散熱用途,而往上延伸至天花板的L形造型裝飾,除了更添區域豐富層次,也使櫃體在牆邊不顯突兀。電視牆的另一側,深色的石材薄板包覆原有柱體,以粗糙表面和昏灰色調增添視、觸穩重感;其上方天花板,以木皮作為空間分界,連接至書房修飾走廊,同時也為深色彩的異材質表現。 期盼和家庭成員能自在互動,書房不做直接隔間,而是與客廳相互連接的開放式,其背牆同樣呼應餐廳處的櫃體色調,以深淺木質材呈現清爽不顯壓迫的風格,縱線搭配隨機序列的橫線切割,間錯以木皮表面,打造非制式的收納展示處。
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